Symmetry: Art and Science – 2004 / 1-4

Special issues of the journal for the congress and exhibition



The "wedding" of art and science in the inter-net-galaxy / Intro-symmetro-duction by Dénes Nagy

Apagyi, Mária: Symmetries in music

Balázs József Róbert and Balázs, Miklós Ernö: Treatise on symmetry in mosaics

Bokowski, Jürgen: On tori of Császár and Szilassi and more

Bortnyik, Éva T. and Tubák, Csaba: Disturbed symmetry

Cardier, Beth: Symmetry in fiction: Leaping away from the literal

Coats, Liz: Colour is structure in abstract painting

Crowe, Donald W.: Symmetry comes of age: The role of pattern in culture

Csáji, Attila: Symmetry/bridge/asymmetry

Csáji, Balázs Csanád: In defense of the symmetry of true and false

Császár, Ákos: A polyhedron without diagonals (1949)

Drenckhan, Wiebke and Weaire, Denis: Some confluences of art and science in the physics of foams

Faa, Balázs: Math and contemporary art

Fekete-Kiss, Sándor: Music of the spheres

Giunti, Roberto: "Blend together in perspective symmetry": Through the Large Glass of Duchamp

Göncz, Zoltán: Resurrected symmetries of J. S. Bach’s last fugue

Goranson, Ted: Folding in films

Guerri, Claudio F.: Philosophy and symmetry in the semiotic nonagon

Hantos, Károly: The analytical anamorphosis

Huff , William S.: "Consecutive and/or conclusive improvements": Trisecting the cube

Huylebrouck, Dirk: Simple-minded golden section examples

Huylebrouck Dirk: Simple golden section examples

Izuhara, Ritsuko: The symmetrical diagrams by Japanese thinkers in the Edo era

Jablan, Slavik and Sazdanovich, Radmila: Discovering symmetry of knots by using program LinKnot

Jablan, Slavik and Sazdanovich, Radmila: Visualizing symmetry of knots by using program LinKnot

Kecskés, Lajos: Structure and life in the Mandelbrot-seas

Kiziltepe, Ferhan: Science and art? Which one will save the world?

Klein, Peter: The self-organizing universe and the idea of symmetry: Cognition and expression

Klein, Peter: In the spirit of symmetry: Unification of mind and world by education

Kobayashi, Tatsuhiko: Trigonometry and its acceptance in the 18th-19th centuries Japan

Korren, Ami: 2-manifolds surfaces and space partitions

Kucinskas, Darius: Symmetry in creative work of Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis

Lantos, Ferenc: Variations on symmetry

Longuet-Higgins, Michael: Symmetry in mathematical toys

Magyar, Peter: "Cubicum"ă – A cubic cummulation a desolidified Platonic solid

Makarova, Veronika: Asymetries in prosodic parameter perception by Japanese and Russian subjects

Mecsi, Beatrix: Symmetry with nature: The concept of resemblance in pictorial representation in the east and the west

Mengyán, András: Magic transparency

Mengyán, Csaba: Extension processes

Mezey, Paul G.: The role of imperfect symmetry in nature, art, mathematics, and chemistry:
Approximate symmetry and symmetry deficiency measures

Michniowski, Tomasz: Symmetric and non-symmetric ways of being torn into bits and pieces by a
nearby cosmological singularity

Náray-Szabó, Gábor: Molecular harmony

Nem’s, Judith: Visual permutations: Towards 2D and 3D symmetries and fractals, Part 1

Nem’s, Judith: Visual permutations: Towards 2D and 3D symmetries and fractals, Part 2

Ogawa, Tohru: Space curves with constant thickness: the case of circular helix

Orosz, István: Works in different mediums

Park, Jin-Ho: A study of building façade in symmetry

Peden, Douglas: The sounds of silence: My art as music and meaning

Peden, Douglas: The sounds of silence: Pictures

Perneczky, Géza: The story of the colourful ribbons

Pócsy, Ferenc: The Modell (2002)

Rebielak, Janusz: Symmetry in shaping various types of spatial structures

Ruiz, Francisco and Juncosa, Nuria: From mathematics to art: An example of collaboration
between a mathematician and an artist, the experience of teaching mathematics

Ruiz, Francisco and Juncosa, Nuria: From mathematics to art: An example of collaboration
between a mathematician and an artist, the artist work

Sazdanovich, Radmila and Sremcevich, Miodrag: Hyperbolic tessellations by Tess

Sugimoto, Teruhisa and Tanemura, Masaharu: Packing and covering congruent spherical caps on a sphere

Sullivan, John M.: Optimal geometry as art

Széles, Klára: Rebus: symmetry–work of art–heuristics (art and science)

Szilassi, Lajos: On some regular toroids

Szoboszlai, Mihaly: Spatial design with construction tools

Tanemura, Masaharu: On random packing of spheres: A retrospective overview

Tarnai, Tibor: Geodesic dome under the paw of an Oriental lion

Teshima, Yoshinori et al.: Self-reversed configurations on cube

Tolmie, Julie: Hybrid art / science methodology: Employing rational particle systems to generate visual events

Vízi, Béla: Chemical mythology (Chemistry in sculptures or chemical evolution)

Watanabe, Yasunari, Ikegami, Yuji et al.: The world of scientific puzzle art using layer manufacturing

Weise, Dmitry: Development of a fundamental theorem of phyllotaxis

Weise, Dmitry: Pythagorean approach to problems of periodicity in Fermionic system

Yanabu, Akira: Symmetry, asymmetry between different cultures

Appendix: Additional papers of the Sydney Congress, 2001

Bokowski, Jürgen: Pottery models and complete graphs on surfaces

Cardier, Beth: Intimate to iconic: Mapping the structure of stories

Chiba, Tomoaki and Nagahama, Hiroyuki: Curie symmetry principle in nonlinear functional analysis

Nanjo, Kazuyoshi et al.: Symmetry in the self-organized criticality

Park, Jin-Ho: Theme and variations: A comparative analysis of two housings in symmetry

Ruiz, F. and Rico, L.: Visualization of numerical patterns by means of congruence relations

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