The International Symmetry Society

Established in 1989, the International Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Symmetry, also known as the International Symmetry Society, exists as a friendly framework for interdisciplinary inquiry. Members come from the sciences and mathematics, the fine arts, and such disciplines as languages, philosophy, and computer science.

The Society is not a typical art/math group but instead is committed to exploration grounded in both formal and intuitive insights inspired by symmetry. It aims to bring together artists, philosophers, scientists, engineers, educators, students, and practitioners in seeking a broad, interdisciplinary perspective on symmetry and using the intellectual experience of the study of symmetry to promote coordinated inquiries of diverse structures with the ultimate goal to develop a unified view of reality.
It is known for its openness, curious nature, and deep scholarship. It is also aggressively international, drawing members from around the world and holding meetings in a similarly wide range of locations.
On this site are administrative reports, scholarly articles and member pages.
Of note are articles on the President’s page:

and in the Journals area:
—  Symmetry: A Bibliography of Interdisciplinary Books (university textbooks, scholarly monographs, popular-scientific works – close to 1,000 items in 25 languages)

Society Administrative Pages
Treasurer’s Reports

Society Journals
Symmetry: Art and Science
Legacy: Visual Mathematics Papers
Legacy: Visual Mathematics Art
Legacy: Culture and Science 

Member Pages
Ron Brown
Beth Cardier
Ted Goranson
Denes Nagy
Dmitry Weise