The regular Symmetry: Art and Science | 13th SIS-Symmetry Congress will be held at the Orthodox Academy of Crete, Kolymbari, Greece, from 23 to 31 August 2025. It is devoted to the same circle of problems traditionally discussed in the triennial SIS meetings.
Folk / Vernacular Architecture: From the Traditions to the Future
(2nd International Conference of the Committee for Folk Architecture of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Veszprém)
Veszprém – Taliándörögd – Káli-medence, 27-31 August 2023
(In Hungarian) Nép(i)építészet: A hagyományoktól a jövőig (Az MTA VEAB Népi Építészeti Munkabizottság 2. nemzetközi konferenciája)
A konferencia a VEB2023 Európa Kulturális Fővárosa programsorozat eseményeként valósul meg.
The conference is an event of the VEB2023 European Capital of Culture programme.
Co-organized by the Research Institute of Art Theory and Methodology of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA MMKI) and the Symmetry Foundation
Details at
General Assembly in Porto
All members are invited to participate in the General Assembly planned to be held at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto, Porto, Portugal, on 14 July 2022.
The General Assembly will be in hybrid form with a physical presence in Porto or a virtual presence via Zoom.
Topic: SIS-Symmetry General Assembly
Time: Jul 14, 2022 06:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 873 1987 4889
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If we do not have the majority of members at that time, i.e., we do not have a quorum, the General Assembly will be on the same day at the same (physical and virtual) place at 6:15 PM. By law, in this second case, the General Assembly may make valid decisions, even if we do not have a quorum.
Agenda for the GA:
- Opening of the meeting.
- Election of Chair of the meeting.
- Election of minute-takers for the meeting.
- Election of officers.
- Modifying the Charter (Articles) of SIS.
- Discussing the annual membership fees and ways of collecting them.
- Financial Report of 2021.
- Discussion of questions related to the symmetry-sites and the journal Symmetry: Art and Science.
- Discussion of the protection of the SIS heritage. Report of actions undertaken and authorisation for possible legal actions (Iannis, Denes, Ted).
- Discussion on the site of the next congress and other meetings.
- Others.
2022 General Assembly
All members are invited to participate in the General Assembly via Skype in the virtual room on Sunday, 29 May 2022, at 10:00 a.m. UTC.
If we do not have the majority of members at that time, i.e., we do not have a quorum, the General Assembly will be on the same day, Sunday 29 May 2022, at 11:00 a.m. UTC, with the same agenda. By law, in this second case, the General Assembly may make valid decisions, even if we do not have a quorum.
Agenda for the GA:
- Opening of the meeting.
- Election of Chair of the meeting.
- Election of minute-takers for the meeting.
- Report on the forthcoming 12th Symmetry Congress (Vera, Dénes).
- Modifying the Charter (Articles) of SIS, as requested by the Court in Hungary (Dénes).
- Discussing the annual membership fees and ways of collecting them (Iannis).
- Financial Report of 2021.
- Discussion of questions related to the symmetry-sites and the journal Symmetry: Art and Science.
- Discussion of the protection of the SIS heritage. Report of actions undertaken and authorisation for possible legal actions (Iannis, Denes, Ted).
- Others
Registrations for the 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress
The registrations for the 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress are now open!
Information on the Registration fees is available here and the link for the Registration form is this one.

Accommodation suggestions for the congress participants may be found here. Those interested in Suggestion #01 should pay special attention to the need for registering early.
The Conference “Symmetry, Structure and Information” in the IS4SI 2021 Summit
This webpage links to the schedule of the Conference “Symmetry, Structure and Information” in the IS4SI 2021 Summit.
Information on IS4SI, the International Society for the Study of Information may be found here, and on the 2021 Summit, here. The webpage of Symmetry, Structure and Information in IS4SI 2021 is here.
The Call for Submissions to the 12th SIS-Symmetry Congress is open!
We invite academics, scientists, researchers, artists, and students to participate in this Call, by submitting, between 11 July and 10 November 2021, an extended abstract describing an investigation or practical experiment on any interdisciplinary study of symmetry in the form of paper, poster, workshop, or artwork.
More information may be found in this webpage.
2021 General Assembly
The General Assembly of SIS will be held online on 23rd May 2021 (Sunday) at 9.30 UTC-time through Skype at the address…
If the majority of members would not be present in that time, i.e., we do not have a quorum, the General Assembly will be held online on the same day at 10:00 UTC-time through Skype with the same agenda. By law, in this second case, the General Assembly may make valid decisions, even in that case if we do not have a quorum.
Suggested Agenda for the GA:
1 Opening of the meeting.
2 Election of the Chair for this meeting.
3 Election of the minute-taker and two verifiers for this meeting.
4 New centre (address) of the Society in Budapest.
5 Modification of the Articles (Charters) of the Society.
6 Financial reports.
7 Report on forthcoming events.
8 Others.
Keynote speakers in IASS2020/21
- The following internationally renowned keynote speakers have been confirmed for the IASS 2020/21 – Surrey 7 Spatial Structures Conference:
- Sigrid Adriaenssens,
- Ian Firth,
- Massimo Maffeis,
- Marijke Mollaert,
- Sergio Pellegrino,
- Boris Reyher,
- Ulrik Støttrup-Andersen,
- and Chris Williams.
+ info @

IASS 2020/21 – SURREY 7
The 7th International Conference on Spatial Structures will be held in August, 2021 as a joint event with the Annual Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS).
IASS 2021 – SURREY 7 will be held as a fully virtual event, with 8 notable keynote speakers:
- Sigrid Adriaenssens
- Ian Firth
- Massimo Maffeis
- Marijke Mollaert
- Sergio Pellegrino
- Boris Reyher
- Ulrik Støttrup-Andersen
- Chris Williams
More than 500 abstracts were accepted from 47 countries, involving 1151 authors. More info here. The full paper submission’s deadline has been extended to 15 April 2021.