Next: Classification
of Columns Up: Symmetries
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Symmetry Groups
We continue to suppose that
is a symmetry group with
.We have
where H is given in Table 1
. The canonical projection
induces a projection
We say that a symmetry group
is twisted if it is not conjugate to an untwisted symmetry group.
Equivalently, there exists an
such that
The next lemma states that, without loss of generality, we can always
supposethat the element
is not responsible for twisting.
Lemma 2.5 Suppose that 
is a symmetry group and that 
.Then there is a subgroup of 
that is conjugate to 
and contains 
.The conjugacy leaves 
Proof: Recall that
acts as -I on
.By assumption
for some
.We conjugate by the element
.Compute that
as required.
Proposition 2.6 Let 
be a twisted symmetry group. Then either

.In addition, 
is one of the three subgroups 
Remark: The possibility
will be eliminated in the proof of Theorem
Proof: It follows from Lemma
2.5 that we can eliminate the subgroups
for which
,that is we can eliminate
Next, suppose that
.As observed in theprevious subsection,
is larger than
.It follows from Lemma 2.5 that
and hence
.In either case,
is untwisted. The possibility that
can be eliminated similarly. This completes the proof that
is one of the groups
Recall that
is a subgroup of
is conjugate to
by Lemma 2.5. Hence, for
to be twisted,
must be one of the three remaining subgroups of
Theorem 2.7 Up to conjugacy
and scaling, there are seven twisted symmetry groups in 
.These are as listed in Table 3
Table:The 7 twisted symmetry groups
is generated by
together with the generatorsof
Proof: By Proposition
2.6, we can assume that
and that
is one of the subgroups
.We consider the three possibilities for K in turn.
Suppose that
for some
.Conjugating by
,we can set
.Note that
,it follows that t=0 in which case
,and there is no twisting. When
,there is the additional possibility that
,this reduces to the case t=1/2.The argument is more complicated when
.Squaring yields the condition
,we can choose
so that t=1. But still working modulo
,we can replace
.Conjugating once again, we have
and there is no twisting.
The case
is similar. Conjugation reduces to
and squaring yields the condition
.Twisting occurs when
but onlyfor
. Finally, suppose that
.We concentrate attention on the twogenerators
.Since the reflections are orthogonal, we can simultaneously conjugate so
.Squaring the generators, we obtain that
and either t1=0,
dependingon whether
.The various combinations of generators yieldone untwisted subgroup and one
twisted subgroup for
,and one untwisted subgroup and three twisted subgroups for
.Once again, there is no twisting when
.The arguments are similar to the previous cases of K; we replace
by untwisted group elements.
Next: Classification
of Columns Up: Symmetries
of Columns Previous: Untwisted
Symmetry Groups
Marty Golubitsky