Next: Fluted Columns
Up: Columns with Continuous
Symmetry Previous: Columns
with Continuous Symmetry
There are four types of column with rotational
symmetry. Two types are periodic in the axial direction and two are not.
The nonperiodiccolumns may have a reflection symmetry in the horizontal
plane (
-- for example a column which is bowed out at the center) or not (
-- a column which widens at the base). See Figures
2 and 3.

Figure 2:Nonperiodic column of revolution
with no up-down reflection.

Figure 3:Nonperiodic column of revolution
with up-down reflection.
The periodic columns of revolution may have an up-down
symmetry (
)or not (
).See Figures 4 and

Figure 4:Periodic column of revolution
with no up-down reflection.

Figure 5:Periodic column of revolution
with up-down reflection.
Next: Fluted Columns
Up: Columns with Continuous
Symmetry Previous: Columns
with Continuous Symmetry
Marty Golubitsky