Name: Wiebke Drenckhan, Physicist, (b. Belzig, Germany, 1977). 

Address: Department of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland 


Fields of interest: Foams (Cartooning)

Awards: University Prize 2001, Canterbury Univsersity, New Zealand

Publications and/or Exhibitions: 

- Related to science: 

Drenckhan, W., Cox, S., and Weaire, D. (2004) The demonstration of conformal maps with two-dimensional foams, European Journal of Physics, Vol. 25, 429-438.
Drenckhan, W. (2004) Stability and Motion of Foams and Films in Confined Geometries, PhD Thesis, University of Dublin, Trinity College
- Related to "arts": 

Regular illustrations for European Physics Journal, monthly Cartoons for Physik Journal.