The discovery of X-ray diffraction by Max von Laue in 1912 was decisive in the development of crystallography, as it demonstrated both the lattice structure of crystals as well as the wavelike nature of X-rays.
The structure of crystals can be described geometrically. Their symmetric axes of rotation are digonal, trigonal and hexagonal. Pentagonal rotational axes and those with numerical factors greater than six do not occur with crystals, because it is not possible to fill a surface with equal-sided polygons having a greater number of sides.
Bravais has listed seven systems containing all possible crystal forms.
I suspect that all crystal systems are contained in the intracubic part of the Metaeder and its length or angular distorsions.
However, final proof that the complete and final list of all possibilities of crystalline figurations are contained in the Metaeder remains to be produced by further studies.
In conclusion, spatial structure in building is analogous to crystal structure enlarged by approximately billion times.