4 Interdisciplinary books on dissymmetry,
broken symmetry, asymmetry (including
symmetry vs. asymmetry, asymmetry
of brain, and asymmetry of time)


Note the differences between these concepts:
(1) dissymmetry is the lack of some elements of symmetry (cf., Pasteur's molecular dissymmetry: the lack of some elements of symmetry is necessary to have left- and right-handed molecules) or the small deviation from the perfect symmetry (cf., P. Curie's principle of dissymmetry),
(2) broken symmetry is the occasional violation of an existing or suspected symmetry (cf., Lee and Yang's broken symmetry in particle physics),
(3) asymmetry is the total lack of symmetry.
(In connection with antisymmetry, or black-and-white symmetry, in crystallography, cf., Shubnikov (1951) in Section

4.1 General

Akopyan, I. D. (1980) Simmetriya i asimmetriya v poznanii, [Symmetry and Asymmetry in Cognition, in Russian], Erevan, Armenia: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR, 132 pp.

Caglioti, G. (1983) Simmetrie infrante nella scienza e nell'arte, [Broken Symmetries in Science and Art, in Italian], [With a preface by P. Fenoglio], Milano: CLUP, 182 pp.

- German trans., Symmetriebrechung und Wahrnehmung: Beispiele aus der Erfahrungswelt, [Symmetry-Breaking and Perception: Examples from the Empirical World, in German], [With a new preface by H. Haken], Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1990, x + 200 pp.

- English trans., The Dynamics of Ambiguity, [With a new preface by H. Haken], Berlin: Springer, 1992, xx + 170 pp.

- Japanese trans. of the English version, "Aimaisa" no butsurigaku: Chitsujo to muchitsujo no adida o toraeru atarashi kokoromi, [The Physics of "Ambiguity": A New Trial to Grasp the Gap of Order and Disorder, in Japanese], [With a new preface by K. Hushimi (Husimi)], [Series] Blue Backs / Buruu bakkusu, B-1159, Tokyo: Koudansha, 1997, 243 + 5 pp.

- Russian trans. of the English version, Kal'oti, D., Ot vospriyatiya k mysli: O dinamike neodnoznachnogo i narusheniyakh simmetrii v nauke i iskusstve, [From Perception to Thought: On Dynamics of Ambiguity and Violations of Symmetry in Science and Art, in Russian], [With a new preface by I. Progozhin (I. Prigogine) and an introduction and an afterword by V. A. Koptsik], Moskva: Mir, 1998, 222 pp.

Caillois, R. (1973) La Dissymétrie, [Dissymmetry, in French], Paris: Gallimard, 90 pp.
* Cf., Cohérences aventureuses; Au coeur du fantastique; La Dissymétrie: esthétique généralisée, [Adventurous Coherences; A Fantastic Heart; Dissymmetry: Generalized Aesthetics, in French - three works in one volume], Idées, Vol. 359, New edition, Paris: Gallimard, 1976, 281 pp.

- Japanese trans., Hantaishou: Hidari to migi no benshouhou, [Antisymmetry <Dissymmetry>: The Dialectics of Left and Right, in Japanese], Tokyo: Shisakusha, 1991, 152 pp. [The Japanese title Hantaishou (han- = anti-, against, opposite; taishou = symmetry), which is also adopted by Kurokawa (1998), see in Section 3.4.2, is unfortunate: its meaning is closer to the crystallographic term "antisymmetry" (black-and-white symmetry), cf., Shubnikov (1951) in Section Since there is no well-estbalished Japanese term for dissymmetry in the given sense, I suggest a new Japanese expression: futaishou.]

futaishou ® HYPERTEXT

Gardner, M. (1964) The Ambidextrous Universe: Left, Right, and the Fall of Parity, New York: Basic Books, x + 294 pp. [Popular-scientific; see the reference to "asymmetry" in the subtitles of the 2nd and 3rd eds.].
* British reprint ed., London: Allen Lane, Penguin Press, 1967, 272 pp.
* British reprint ed., Harmondsworth [England]: Penguin Books, [Series] Pelican Books, 1970, 276 pp.
* 2nd revised ed., The Ambidextrous Universe: Mirror Asymmetry and Time-Reversed Worlds, New York: Scribner, 1979, 293 pp.
* British reprint ed., Harmondsworth [England]: Penguin Books, 1982, 293 pp.
* 3rd revised ed., The New Ambidextrous Universe: Symmetry and Asymmetry from Mirror Reflections to Superstrings, New York: Freeman, 1990, xiv + 392 pp.
* Paperback ed., ibid., 1991, xiv + 392 pp.

- Spanish trans. of the 1st ed., Izquierda y derecha en el cosmos, [Left and Right in the Cosmos, in Spanish]. Madrid: Alianza, 1966, 310 pp.
* Spanish reprint ed., Estella: Salvat, 1973, 316 pp.
* Spanish trans. of the 2nd ed., Izquierda y derecha en el cosmos: Simetría y asimetría frente a la teoría de la inversión del tiempo, [Left and Right in the Cosmos: Symmetry and Asymmetry Facing the Theory of the Inversion of Time, in Spanish], Barcelona: Salvat, 1985, xiii + 309 pp.
* Spanish trans. of the 3rd ed., El universo ambidiestro: Simetrías y asimetrías en el cosmos, [Ambidextrous Cosmos: Symmetry and Asymmetry in the Cosmos, in Spanish], Barcelona: Labor, 1993, 343 pp.
* Spanish reprint ed., Barcelona: RBA, 1994.

- Swedish trans. of the 1st ed., Skapelsens symmetri, [Symmetry of Creation, in Swedish], Stockholm: Rabén och Sjögren, 1966, 272 pp.

- German trans. of the 1st ed., Das gespiegelte Universum: Links, rechts und der Sturz der Parität, [The Mirrored Universe: Left, Right and the Fall of Parity, in German], Braunschweig: Vieweg, 1967, 285 pp.
* German revised and enlarged ed., Unsere gespiegelte Welt: Denksportaufgaben und Zaubertricks, [Our Mirrored World: Puzzle-Problems and Magic Tricks, in German], Berlin: Ullstein, 1982, 344 pp.
* German reprint ed., Berlin: Deutsche Buch-Gemeinschaft [with Austrian, German, and Swiss partners], 1984, 344 pp.

- Russian trans. of the 1st ed., Étot pravyi, levyi mir, [This Right, Left World, in Russian], Ed. by Ya. A. Smorodinskii, Moskva: Mir, 1967, 264 pp.

- Lithuanian trans. of the 1st ed., Vilnius: Mintis, 1969, 288 pp.

- Polish trans. of the 1st ed., Zwierciadlany wszechswiat, [Mirrored Universe, in Polish], [Series] Biblioteka problemów, No. 138, Warszawa: Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe (PWN), 1969, 354 pp.

- Japanese trans. of the 1st ed., Shizen ni okeru hidari to migi, [Left and Right in Nature, in Japanese], Tokyo: Kinokuniya Shoten, 1971, 340 pp.
* Japanese reprint eds., ibid., 340 pp.
* Japanese trans. of the 3rd ed., Shizen ni okeru hidari to migi: Shinpan, [Left and Right in Nature: New Edition, in Japanese], ibid., 1992, vii + 500 pp.

- Italian trans. of the 2nd ed., L' universo ambidestro: Nel mondo degli specchi, delle asimmetrie, delle inversioni temporali, [The Ambidextrous Universe: In the World of Mirrors, Asymmetries, Temporal Inversions, in Italian], Bologna: Zanichelli, 1984, x + 245 pp.
* Italian reprint ed., Novara: Mondadori-De Agostini, 1996, viii + 244 pp.

- French trans. of the 2nd ed., L'Univers ambidextre: Les Miroirs de l'espace-temps, [The Ambidextrous Universe: The Mirrors of the Space-Time, in French], Paris: Seuil, 1985, 357 pp.
* French reprint ed., ibid., 1994, 357 pp.

- Dutch trans. of the 2nd ed., Revised, co-author Beekman, G., Spiegelsymmetrie: Links en rechts in de natuur, [Mirror-Symmetry: Left and Right in Nature, in Dutch], Amsterdam: Aramith, 1986, 222 pp.

Genz, H. and Decker, R. (1991) Symmetrie und Symmetriebrechung in der Physik, [Symmetry and Symmetry-Breaking in Physics, in German], Braunschweig: Vieweg, 376 pp.

Mayer-Kuckuk, T. (1989) Der gebrochene Spiegel: Symmetrie, Symmetriebrechung und Ordnung in der Natur, [The Broken Mirror: Symmetry, Symmetry-Breaking, and Order in Nature, in German], Basel: Birkhäuser, 264 pp.

Shubnikov, A. V. (1961) Problema dissimmetrii material'nykh ob"ektov, [The Problem of Dissymmetry of Material Objects, in Russian], Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 55 pp.

Sonin, A. S. (1987) Postizhenie sovershenstva: Simmetriya, asimmetriya, dissimmetriya, antisimmetriya, [Comprehension of Perfectness: Symmetry, Asymmetry, Dissymmmetry, Antisymmetry, in Russian], Moskva: Znanie, 203 pp.

Tayler, K. (1989) Symmetry and Antisymmetry, Cambridge [England]: Haslingfield Press, 111 pp. [Symmetry vs. antisymmetry = continuity vs. discontinuity, convergence vs. divergence, variance vs. invariance, etc. - this is not the usual crystallographic or mathematical meaning of antisymmetry].

Also see
* Witherspoon and Peterson (1995) on symmetry and asymmetry in Navaho art and cosmology ® Section 3.4.1,
* Stocklas (1986) on symmetry and asymmetry in architecture ® Section 3.4.2,
* Kurokawa (1998) on dissymmetry in desing ® Section 3.4.2,
* Mohr (1987) on fractured symmetry in his art works ® ® Section 3.4.3.

4.2 Chemistry and biology, including asymmetry of brain

Brain asymmetry - there are many related books that use other expressions (cerebral dominance, dual brain, hemispheric lateralization, split brain, etc.); in accordance with the principles of this bibliography, such items are not listed (their data are available in the bibliographies of the listed books).

Cohen, S. (1992) Handedness, Cerebral Dominance and Brain Asymmetry in Nonhuman Primates: A Bibliography, 1985-1991, Seattle, Washington: Primate Information Center, Regional Primate Research Center, University of Washington, 16 pp.

Bentley, R. (1969-70) Molecular Asymmetry in Biology, Vols. 1-2, New York: Academic Press, xii + 322 + xiii + 566 pp.

Bianki, V. L. (1985) Asimmetriya mozga zhivotnykh, [Asymmetry of the Brain of Animals, in Russian], Leningrad [now Sankt-Peterburg]: Nauka, 295 pp.

Bradshaw, J. L. and Nettleton, N. C. (1983) Human Cerebral Asymmetry, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, xvi + 335 pp.

Bragina, N. N. and Dobrokhotova, T. A. (1981) Funktsional'nye asimmetrii cheloveka, [Functional Asymmetries of the Human, in Russian], Moskva: Meditsina, 288 pp.
* 2nd revised ed., ibid., 1988, 237 pp.

Bryden, M. P. (1982) Laterality: Functional Asymmetry in the Intact Brain, New York: Academic Press, xiii + 319 pp.

Cohen, S. (1992) - see at the beginning of this section: Bibliography.

Depenchuk, N. P. (1963) Simmetriya i asimmetriya v zhivoi prirode, [Symmetry and Asymmetry in Living Nature, in Russian], Kiev: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoi SSR, 174 pp.

Galaktionov, S. G. (1978) Asimmetriya biologicheskikh molekul, [Asymmetry of Biological Molecules, in Russian], Minsk [Bielorusskoi SSR, now Belarus]: Vyshèishaya shkola, 175 pp. [Popular-scientific].

Gauze, G. F. (1940) Asimmetriya protoplazmy, [Asymmetry of the Protoplasm, in Russian], Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR, 126 pp.

Hellige, J. B. (1993) Hemispheric Asymmetry: What's Right and What's Left, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, xiii + 396 pp.

Kizel', V. A. (1985) Fizicheskie prichiny dissimmetrii zhivykh sistem, [Physical Causes of Dissymmetry of Living Systems, in Russian], Moskva: Nauka, 118 pp.

Kuroda, R. (1992) Seimei sekai no hitaishousei: Shizen wa naze anbaransu ga suki ka, [Asymmetry of the Living World: Why Does Nature Like Imbalance?, in Japanese], [Series] Chuukou shinsho, No. 1097, Tokyo: Chuuou Kouronsha, 216 pp. [Popular-scientific].
* Reprint ed., ibid., 1995.

Moller, A. P. and Swaddle, J. P. (1997) Asymmetry, Developmental Stability, and Evolution, Oxford: Oxford University Press, xi + 291 pp.

Neville, A. C. (1976) Animal Asymmetry, The Institute of Biology's Studies in Biology, No. 67, London: Arnold, 60 pp.

Saito, Y. (1979) Inorganic Molecular Dissymmetry, Inorganic Chemistry Concepts, Vol. 4, Berlin: Springer, ix + 167 pp.

Vartanian, G. A. and Klementev, B. I. (1991) Khimicheskaya simmetriya i asimmetriya mozga, [Chemical Symmetry and Asymmetry of the Brain, in Russian], Leningrad [now Sankt-Peterburg]: Nauka, 150 pp.

Yanagisawa, K. (1997) Sayuu o kimeru idenshi: Karada no hitaishousei wa neze shoujiru no ka, [The Gene Determines Left-Right: Why Does the Asymmetry of the Body Arise?, in Japanese], Blue Backs / Buruu bakkusu, B-1155, Tokyo: Koudansha, 200 + vi pp. [Popular-scientific].

Also see
* Hámori (1996) on brain asymmetries ® Section 1.2.5,
* Schneider (1973) on asymmetry of Greek heads in art ® Section 3.4.3,
* Starosta (1990) on symmetry and asymmetry in physical training ® Section 3.5,
* Ivanov (1978) on the asymmetry of brain ® Section 4.4.

4.2.1 Asymmetric synthesis

Ager, D. and East, M. B. (1996) Asymmetric Synthesis Methodology, [Series] New Directions in Organic and Biological Chemistry, Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 483 pp.

Coppola, G. M. and Schuster, H. F. (1987) Asymmetric Synthesis: Construction of Chiral Molecules Using Amino Acids, New York: Wiley, xiii + 393 pp.

Gawley, R. E. and Aube, J. (1996) Principles of Asymmetric Synthesis, Tetrahedron Organic Chemistry Series, Vol. 14, Oxford: Pergamon Press, x + 372 pp.

Klabunovskii, E. I. (1960) Asimmetricheskii sintez, [Asymmetric Synthesis, in Russian], Moskva: Gosudarstvennoe nauchno-tekhnicheskoe izdatel'stvo khimicheskoi literatury, 229 pp.

Klabunovskii, E. I. and Vedenyapin, A. A. (1980) Asimmetricheskii kataliz: Gidrogenizatsiya na metallakh, [Asymmetric Catalysis: Hydregenization on Metals, in Russian], Moskva: Nauka, 200 pp.

Koskinen, A. (1993) Asymmetric Synthesis of Natural Products, Chichester [England]: Wiley, xiii + 234 pp.

Mikolajczyk, M., Drabowicz, J., and Kielbasinki, P. (1997) Chiral Sulfur Reagents: Applications in Asymmetric Synthesis and Stereoselective Synthesis, [Series] New Directions in Organic and Biological Chemistry, Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press,

Morrison, J. D. and Mosher, H. S. (1971) Asymmetric Organic Reactions, Prentice-Hall International Series in Chemistry, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, xii + 465 pp.
* 2nd revised printing, Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society, 1976, xii + 465 pp.

- Japanese trans., Fusei gousei, [Asymmetric Synthesis, in Japanese], Tokyo: Toukyou Kagaku Doujin, 1973, xi + 487 pp.

- Russian trans., Morrison, D. and Mosher, G., Asimmetrichnye organicheskie reaktsii, Ed. by E. I. Klabunovskii, Moskva: Mir, 1978.

Noyori, R. (1994) Asymmetric Catalysis in Organic Synthesis, [Series] George Fisher Baker Non-Resident Lectureship in Chemistry at Cornell University, New York: Wiley, xvii + 378 pp.

Procter, G. (1996) Asymmetric Synthesis, New York: Oxford University Press, vi + 237 pp.

Ritchie, P. D. (1933) Asymmetric Synthesis and Asymmetric Induction, London: Oxford University Press

Seyden-Penne, J. Synthesis et catalyse asymmetriques,

- English trans., Chiral Auxiliaries and Ligands in Asymmetric Synthesis, [With trans. and scientific assistance from D. P. Curran], New York: Wiley, 1995, xx + 716 pp.

4.3 Mathematics and physics, including asymmetry of time

Boccara, N. (1976) Symétries brisées: Théorie des transitions avec paramètre d'ordre, [Broken Symmetries: Theory of Transitions with Parameter of Order, in French], Actualités scientifiques et industrielles, Vol. 1378, Paris: Hermann, 274 pp.

Chossat, P. (1996) Symétries brisées, [Broken Symmetries, in French], Paris: Pour la Science, 112 pp.

Davies, P. C. W. (1974) The Physics of Time Asymmetry, Berkeley: University of California Press, xviii + 214 pp.
* Paperback ed., ibid., 1977, xviii + 214 pp.

- Japanese trans., Jikan no butsurigaku: Sono hitaishousei, [The Physics of Time: Its Asymmetry, in Japanese], Tokyo: Baifuukan, 1979, xiv + 219 pp.
* Reprint ed., ibid., 1982, xiv + 219 pp.

Forster, D. (1975) Hydrodynamic Fluctuations, Broken Symmetry, and Correlation Functions, Frontiers in Physics, Vol. 47, Reading, Massachusetts: Benjamin, xix + 326 pp.
* Reprint ed., Redwood City, California: Addison-Wesley, 1989, xxiv + 326 pp.

Knops, H. J. F. (1969) Ergodic Sates and Symmetry Breaking in Phase Transitions: C* Algebra Approach, [With a Dutch summary], Tilburg, The Netherlands: Gianotten, 121 pp. [Mathematical physics].

Horwich, P. (1987) Asymmetries in Time: Problems in the Philosophy of Science, Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press, xiii + 218 pp.

- Japanese trans., Jikan ni muki wa aruka, [Is There Direction in Time?, in Japanese], Tokyo: Maruzen, 1992, viii + 355 pp.

Lautman, A. (1946) Symétrie et dissymétrie en mathématiques et physique: La Problème du temps, [Symmetry and Dissymmetry in Mathematics and Physics: The Problem of Time, in French], Actualités scientifiques et industrielles, No. 1012: Essais philosophiques, No. 3, Paris: Hermann, 50 pp.

Lee, T. D. (1988) Symmetries, Asymmetries, and the World of Particles, Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, xii + 66 pp.

- Chinese trans., Li Zheng Dao, [Lee, Tseng Dao], Dui chen, bu dui chen he li zi shi jie, 1993, 101 pp.

Also see
* Pagels (1986) on the beginning of time in an astrophysical sense ® Section 3.2.1.

4.4 Linguistics, literature, semiotics

Andrews, E. (1990) Markedness Theory: The Union of Asymmetry and Semiosis in Language, Sound and Meaning: The Roman Jakobson Series in Linguistics and Poetics, Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, viii + 220 pp.

Fido, F. (1988) Il regime delle simmetrie imperfette: Studi sul "Decameron", [The Rule of Imperfect Symmetries: Study of the "Decameron", in Italian], Milano: Angeli, 151 pp.

Freund, J. (1991) Broken Symmetries: A Study of Agency in Shakespeare's Plays, Worcester Polytechnic Institute Studies in Science, Technology, and Culture, Vol. 8, New York: Lang, xvii + 214 pp.

Heintz, J. (1973) Subjects and Predicables: A Study in Subject-Predicate Asymmetry, Janua Linguarum, Series Minor, Vol. 79, The Hague: Mouton, 103 pp.

Ivanov, V. V. (1978) Chetnoe i nechetnoe: Asimmetriya mozga i znakovykh sistem, [Even and Odd: The Asymmetry of the Brain and Sign-Systems, in Russian], Moskva: Sovietskoe radio, 184 pp.

- German trans., Gerade und Ungerade: Die Asymmetrie des Gehirns und der Zeichensysteme, Stuttgart: Hirzel, 1983, 221 pp.

- Hungarian trans., Páros és páratlan: Aszimmetria az agyban és a jelrendszerben, Budapest: Kozmosz, 1986, 263 pp.

- Japanese trans., Guusuu to kisuu no kigouron: Nou to shokigou shisutemu no hitaishou, [The Semiotics of Even and Odd: The Asymmetry of the Brain and Various Semiotical Systems, in Japanese], Tokyo: Aoki Shoten, 1988, xv + 261 + 7 pp.

Kadmon, N. (1992) On unique and non-unique reference and asymmetric quantification, Outstanding Dissertations in Linguistics, New York: Garland, vii + 377.

Lotman, J. M. [Lotman, Yu. M.] (1985) La semiosfera: L'asimmetria e il dialogo nelle strutture pensanti, [The Semiosphere: The Asymmetry and the Dialogue in the Structures of Thinking, in Italian], Venezia: Marsilio, 311 pp.

Marácz, L. K. (1991) Asymmetries in Hungarian, Donostia (San Sebastian) [Basque County, Spain]: Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia (Deputación Foral de Gipuzkoa), 334 pp.

Rokoszowa, J. (1989) Czas a jezyk: O asymetrii regól jezykowych, [Time and Language: On Asymmetry of Lingual Rules, in Polish with an English summary], [Series] Rozprawy habilitacyjne, Uniwersytet Jagellonski, Nr. 169, Kraków: Nakl. Uniwersytetu Jagellonskiego, 126 pp.

Shapiro, M. (1976) Asymmetry: An Inquiry into the Linguistic Structure of Poetry, North-Holland Linguistic Series, Vol. 26, Amsterdam: North-Holland, xiv + 231 pp.

Spillner, B. (1971) Symmetrisches und asymmetrisches Prinzip in der Syntax Marcel Prousts, [Symmetric and Asymmetric Principle in the Syntax of Marcel Proust, in German], Frankfurt am Main: Hain, xii + 223 pp.

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