Square faces of rhomb-dodecahedron are always present in composite forms when
the relation between the central distances of cube and octahedron is the
dcube = (√2/2
-1)+(√6/2)·doctahedron assuming, also
in this case, an unit value of the central distance of the
The relation holds in the ranges
√2/2<dcube ≤1 and √6/3 <doctahedron≤ (2√6-√3)/3:
the corresponding polyhedra go from the cuboctahedron to the
rhombicuboctahedron (already reported in the previous image).
The central view of the following set of three images concerns the Archimedean truncated
cuboctahedron in which, in addition to the square rhomb-dodecahedral
faces, the cubic and octahedral faces have the shape of regular octagons and hexagons, respectively.
The simultaneous presence in a solid of square
faces of cube and rhomb-dodecahedron can be obtained from the previous set
of three composite forms by the addition, in the first case, of the
deltoid-icositetrahedron {211} and the tetrakis-hexahedron {320} (the square faces of cube
in such composite form result to
be 45° rotated with respect to the usual orientation of the cube), and by the
only addition, in the other two cases, of the cube.
In conclusion, the following three examples concern the possible presence, in composite forms, of square faces
belonging to:
a tetrakis-hexahedron {210}a triakis-octahedron {221} a deltoid-icositetrahedron
by their simultaneous intersection with three other forms: a
rhomb-dodecahedron a cube or
an octahedrona different deltoid-icositetrahedron
in case of appropriate
ratios of the central distances of the faces belonging to the different forms.
The higher symmetry, respect to cubic point groups, that characterize both
2/m 3 5 and 235 icosahedral point groups
( together with the absence of 4-fold axes) somehow thwarts the presence of square faces in icosahedral composite forms.
Actually the unique way
of obtaining square faces by the intersection of only two forms involves the rhomb-triacontahedron
{100} and a {hkk} form provided that h/k ≥ τ3,
τ corresponds to the golden ratio (1+√
h/k =τ
in both icosahedral point groups the resulting form is the Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron
311} (or {τ
1/τ 1/τ}),
whereas, in the only
5 icosahedral point
groups, the
{hkk} forms characterized by
h/k > τ
correspond to a series of hexakis-icosahedra, all belonging to the zone of the
direction [0
11]; in particular,
the {2+τ
1/τ 1/τ}
form corresponds to the Catalan hexakis-icosahedron.
One can find in the Appendix a detailed description of what happens when the ratio
in the
{hkk} forms is less than τ
Square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron {100} deriving from the
intersection with the Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron
{τ2 1/τ 1/τ} or the Catalan hexakis-icosahedron
{2+τ2 1/τ 1/τ} |
Rhomb-triacontahedron {100} and
Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron {τ2
1/τ 1/τ}
having the same central distance |
Rhomb-triacontahedron and Catalan
deltoid-hexecontahedron sharing vertices
d{τ2 1/τ
1/τ}/d{100}= 1.0341 |
Rhomb-triacontahedron {100} and
Catalan hexakis-icosahedron {2+τ2 1/τ 1/τ}
having the same central distance |
Rhomb-triacontahedron and Catalan hexakis-icosahedron sharing vertices
d{2+τ2 1/τ
1/τ}/d{100}= 1.0323 |
Square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron can be obtained also when, in a
composite form, the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersects two other polyhedra: alternatively, a dodecahedron or a pentakis-dodecahedron
and an icosahedron or a triakis-icosahedron.
The simplest case consist in the intersection of a Catalan rhomb-triacontahedron,
whose central distance has an unit value, with two Platonic solid, a
dodecahedron and an icosahedron, whose central distances, included in the
< ddodecahedron ≤ 1/√1+1/τ2 ·(1+1/τ4)
τ /√3 < dicosahedron ≤
τ/√3 ·(1+1/τ5)
put into correspondence, as shown in
[2], by the relation:
ddodecahedron = (1/√1+1/τ2)·(√3 dicosahedron
- 1/τ )
When the values of the central distances of the dodecahedron and the icosahedron
correspond to the lower limits of the ranges previously defined :
= 1/√1+1/τ2
= 0.8507
dicosahedron =
τ /√3 = 0.9342
the polyhedron resulting from their intersection is an icosidodecahedron. As a
matter of
fact, the faces of the rhomb-triacontahedron having an unit central
distance would be exactly tangent to the vertices of the icosi-dodecahedron.
In consequence of increasing values of the central distances of dodecahedron and icosahedron
(and constant drhomb-triacontahedron = 1), one
obtains square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron with increasing area, together
with decagonal faces of dodecahedron and hexagonal faces of icosahedron which,
in general, are not regular.
Such faces have indeed the shape of regular decagons and hexagons only when:
ddodecahedron = 1/√1+1/τ2 ·(1+1/(τ5 +1)) = 0.9210
dicosahedron = τ /√3 ·(1+1/(τ6 +1)) = 0.9819
and the resulting solid is the Archimedean truncated icosi-dodecahedron, misleading
name since it cannot be obtained simply by a truncation of the
[2]: then, alternatively, it is also called great
When the central distances of dodecahedron and icosahedron attain the
maximum value of the respective ranges previously defined:
ddodecahedron = 1/√1+1/τ2 ·(1+1/τ4) = 0.9748
dicosahedron = τ /√3 ·(1+1/τ5)
= 1.0184
the shapes of the faces of dodecahedron and icosahedron become regular
pentagons and triangles, respectively, and the resulting solid is the
Archimedean rhombicosidodecahedron.
Four examples of composite forms including square faces of
rhomb-triacontahedron (together with faces of dodecahedron and icosahedron)
are shown in the following figure; in particular, in the forms of the left
column the faces of dodecahedron and icosahedron have the shape of non regular
polygons, whereas the two Archimedean
polyhedra are reported in the right column.
Square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron in
presence of decagonal faces of dodecaheron and hexagonal faces of
icosahedron which are both regular only in case of the truncated
icosi-dodecahedron and become regular pentagons and triangles, respectively,
in case of the rhomb-icosidodecahedron.
The values, reported in the captions, of the central distance of the faces of dodecahedron
and icosahedron refer to a unit value of the central distance of the
square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron. |
= 0.8887 dicosahedron
= 0.96 |
Archimedean truncated icosidodecahedron
= 0.9210 dicosahedron
= 0.9819 |
= 0.9476 dicosahedron
= 1.0 |
Archimedean rhomb-icosidodecahedron
= 0.9748 dicosahedron
= 1.0184 |
A series of composite forms including square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron
can be obtained starting from the Archimedean rhomb-icosidodecahedron, by the substitution of the icosahedron with a triakis-icosahedron
and/or the substitution of the dodecahedron with a pentakis-dodecahedron.
In the next figure, the icosahedron is always
present in the forms of the left column, whereas it is replaced by
the triakis-icosahedron {τ310} in the
forms of the right column.
The dodecahedron, always present in the forms of the first row, is replaced by the pentakis-dodecahedron {τ201}
in the second row
and by the pentakis-dodecahedron {τ301}
in the third row.
One can note that only in the cases c) and f)
of the previous set of images the square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron
derive from the intersection with couples of faces characterized by
permutated values of the indices and having consequently the same central
distance; in detail, they are:
icosahedron {τ210}
and pentakis-dodecahedron {τ2 01} in c)
triakis-icosahedron {τ310}
and pentakis-dodecahedron {τ3 01} in f)
In the other four cases the couples of faces intersecting each square face are
placed at different central distances.
Another series of composite forms including square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron
can be obtained starting from the Archimedean truncated icosidodecahedron by
the substitution of the icosahedron
and/or the dodecahedron, respectively, with:
a couple of polyhedra made of a triakis-icosahedron and a
deltoid-hexecontahedron having a symmetrical orientation in respect to the
a couple of polyhedra made of
a pentakis-dodecahedron and another deltoid-hexecontahedron having a symmetrical
orientation in respect to the dodecahedron.
Square faces of deltoid-hexecontahedron can be obtained in composite forms
only in case of particular geometric conditions.
Starting from the (τ10) face of the deltoid-hexecontahedron, its
intersection with the (τ 1
1/τ) and (τ 1 -1/τ)
faces of the rhomb-triacontahedron (as pointed out in the Table 1 of the
Appendix, the rhomb-triacontahedron includes faces with both {100} and {τ 1
1/τ} indices) give rise to two edges, both parallel to the [1τ 0] direction.
In order to obtain a square face of deltoid-hexecontahedron, two other faces
must intersect each face of the
deltoid-hexecontahedron along edges parallel to the [001] direction and
therefore perpendicular to the two edges parallel to the [1τ
0] direction: in the
more trivial case, such faces are the (1τ 0) face of the dodecahedron and the
(τ 1/τ
0) face of the icosahahedron, placed at proper central distances.
Also in this case, other composite forms including square faces of
deltoid-hexecontahedron can be obtained starting from the previous polyhedron
by the substitution of the icosahedron and/or the dodecahedron with a
At last, composite forms including square faces of deltoid-hexecontahedron can
be obtained also by the substitution of the rhomb-triacontahedron, always
present in the previous polyhedra, with a {hkl}
hexakis-icosahedron in which the ratio h/k corresponds to
For example, in the following animated images the
{τ 1 1/τ} face of the rhomb-triacontahedron is substituted by the {τ 1
1/τ2} face of the
Animated images
showing the transition from rhomb-triacontahedral to hexakis-icosahedral faces in composite
forms including square faces of deltoid-hexecontahedron |
icosahedron {τ210}
rhomb-triacontahedron {100}
becoming a
hexakis-icosahedron {τ 1
1/τ2} |
rhomb-triacontahedron {100}
becoming a
hexakis-icosahedron {τ 1
1/τ2} |
In addition to the faces of rhomb-triacontahedron and deltoid-hexecontahedron, also the faces
of triakis-icosahedron and pentakis-dodecahedron can assume a square shape, as shown in the following animated sequence
(viewing direction along the normal to the (τ310)
face of the triakisicosahedron, on the left, and (τ301)
face of the pentakis-dodecahedron, on the right, respectively).
In both cases it is required the presence of a rhomb-triacontahedron and an
appropriate deltoid-hexecontahedron, together with a dodecahedron in case of
the square faces of triakis-icosahedron or an icosahedron in case of the the
square faces of pentakis-dodecahedron.
Square faces resulting from the
sequential truncation of a triakis-icosahedron (on the left) and a pentakis-dodecahedron (on
the right), by a deltoid-hexecontahedron,
an icosahedron or a dodecahedron, and a rhomb-triacontahedron. |
triakis-icosahedron {τ310}
icosahedron {τ210}
rhomb-triacontahedron {100}
pentakis-dodecahedron {τ301}
dodecahedron {τ01}
rhomb-triacontahedron {100}
It may be useful to remember that, as already pointed out in
[2] and
the indices of all the faces of each icosahedral form can be obtained from the cyclic permutation of an
only set
of indices uniquely in case of dodecahedron, whereas the sets of indices are two, three or five in case of the other six icosahedral forms
Table 1, where the indices of the Platonic
and Catalan icosahedral forms
belonging to the
5 point group are reported and compared with the indices of the corresponding
Platonic and Catalan cubic forms belonging to the
3 2/m
point group).
Sets of {hkl} indices relative to the forms,
belonging to 2/m 3 5 icosahedral and
4/m 3 2/m cubic point groups,
which correspond to Platonic and Catalan polyhedra |
Icosahedral polyhedra
Indices {hkl} |
Cubic polyhedra |
Indices {hkl} |
Dodecahedron |
{1τ 0} |
Cube |
{100} |
Icosahedron |
{τ 1/τ 0} |
Octahedron |
{111} |
Rhomb-triacontahedron |
{τ 1 1/τ} |
Rhomb-dodecahedron |
{110} |
Pentakis-dodecahedron |
{1/τ 3 0}
1 2/τ}
{τ+1/τ 2 1/τ} |
Tetrakis-hexahedron |
{210} |
Triakis-icosahedron |
1/τ2 0}
{τ 2/τ
{2 1 1/τ2} |
Triakis-octahedron |
{1 1 √2-1} |
Deltoidal hexecontahedron |
1 0}
{2 1 τ} |
Deltoidal icositetrahedron |
1 √2+1} |
Hexakis-icosahedron |
{τ2 1 2/τ2}
τ 1/τ2}
{2 3/τ 1}
2/τ 1+1/τ2} |
Hexakis-octahedron |
{2√2+1 √2+1 1}
Table 1
Each set of indices relative to the icosahedral forms corresponds to a different form in the 2/m 3 cubic point group, subgroup of the
2/m 3
icosahedral point group.
Concerning the Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron (made of 60 faces), the three forms belonging to the 2/m
3 cubic point group in
which it can be decomposed are, as shown in Figure 1:
the pentagon dodecahedron {1+1/τ2 1 0}
(12 faces)
the deltoid-icositetrahedron {τ2
1/τ 1/τ} (24 faces)
the diploid {2 1 τ} (24 faces)
In the Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron these pentagon-dodecahedral, deltoid-icositetrahedral and diploidal faces are related by
the 5-fold axes.
Decomposition of the Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron
in three forms belonging to the 2/m
3 point group: a
pentagon-dodecahedron, a deltoid-icositetrahedron and a diploid |
_pentagon-dodecahedron_3-tau.1.0.png) |
_deltoid-icositetrahedron_tau3.1.1.png) |
{1+1/τ2 1
0} |
1/τ 1/τ} |
_diploid_2.1.tau_.png) |
{2 1 τ} |
Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron resulting
from the intersection of the three single forms
belonging to the 2/m 3 point group |
Figure 1
In turn, the five forms (all made of 24 faces), in which the Catalan hexakis-icosahedron
(made of 120 faces) can be decomposed, are, as shown in
Figure 2:
the deltoid-icositetrahedron {2+τ2
1/τ 1/τ} (or {4τ+1 1 1})
the four diploids: {τ2 1 2/τ2},
{τ+1/τ 2/τ
2}, {2
3/τ 1}, {
τ 1/τ
Obviously also in the Catalan hexakis-icosahedron these deltoid-icositetrahedral and diploidal faces are related by the 5-fold axes.
Figure 2
As shown in
Figure 3, square faces
of rhomb-triacontahedron can be generated only from its intersection with
a deltoid-execontahedron
{hk0} whose ratio
h/k, included in the range:
1/τ <
h/k < τ
assumes the value
= 1+1/τ
2 characterizing the (1+1/τ
2 1
0) face of the Catalan deltoid-execontahedron
(central image of
Figure 3). In fact, the
2 1 0) face is the only (hk0) face that, by the action of the [τ
1/τ 0] 3-fold axis,
becomes the (τ
1/τ 1/τ) face, that is a (hkk) face: the (100) square face of
rhomb-triacontahedron can be generated uniquely by the intersection just with (hkk) faces
(when the relative
ratio is equal or greater than
τ3). It follows from the orthogonality
of the [0
and [
0 1
1] directions, parallel
to the edges between the (100) face and the contiguous (hkk) and (hk
faces, becoming
1/τ 1/τ) and (τ
1/τ -1/τ) in case of the Catalan deltoid-hexecontahedron.
Figure 3
Whereas the intersection with
{hkk} forms characterized by a ratio
h/k ≥ τ
3 always
generates square faces of rhomb-triacontahedron, generally square faces cannot be generated when the intersection with the rhomb-triacontahedron concerns
faces belonging to
{hkk} forms, usually hexakis-icosahedra, characterized by a ratio
h/k <τ
In such a case, the (hkk) "deltoid-icositetrahedral" face
of the hexakis-icosahedron (see Fig.1), whose h/k ratio is included in the range 1<h/k <τ3, does not intersect the
(100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron and the same thing happens,
h/k < 1, with the "triakis-octahedral" face of the hexakis-icosahedron.
The faces that, being the nearest to the (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron, intersect it,
usually are instead four {hkl} "diploidal" faces of the hexakis-icosahedron,
derived from the (hkk) face by the action of the symmetry operators.
The indices of one of these {hkl} faces are reported, together with the {hkk}
in the captions of the sequence of images shown in Figure 4, ordered in columns
according to decreasing value of h/k, starting from the deltoid-hexecontahedron {τ311}, whose
intersection with the rhomb-triacontahedron generates square faces.
However, as shown in the fifth row of the sequence, one can obtain square (100) faces,
even if the ratio h/k is less than τ3,
starting from both {1+2/τ2
1 1} and {1+1/τ2
τ2 τ
2} hexakis-icosahedra.
In fact, such hexakis-icosahedra include, by the action of the symmetry operators,
also the "deltoid-icositetrahedral" faces with indices
1+τ2 1/τ2 1/τ2)
and (
2+1/τ2 1/τ2 1/τ2), respectively,
where the value of the ratio
h/k is greater than
τ3; therefore, in both cases, the result of their intersection with the (100) face
of the rhomb-triacontahedron is a face having a square shape.
Then, according to the
3 point
group, the five forms in which the former of these two hexakis-icosahedra can
be decomposed are three diploids and the two deltoid-icositetrahedra {
1 1} and {
1+τ2 1/τ2 1/τ2},
whereas the latter can originate three diploids, the
deltoid-icositetrahedron {
2+1/τ2 1/τ2 1/τ2}
and the triakis-octahedron {
τ2 τ2}. On
the other hand, as
already pointed out in
Fig.2, the Catalan hexakis-icosahedra
can be decomposed in a
deltoid-icositetrahedron and four diploids, and, finally, five diploids
can be derived from the
generic hexakis-icosahedra.
Resuming, as one can see in
Fig.4, the
{hkk} forms are all hexakis-icosahedra, excluding five forms:
the deltoid-hexecontahedra {τ311} and {011},
shown in the 1st row; whereas four "deltoid-icositetrahedral" {τ311}
faces intersect directly the (100) face generating
a square face, the deltoid-hexecontahedron {011} intersects the (100)
face by means of four (τ2 1/τ2 1)
"diploidal" faces: the result is a rhombic face
instead of a square face
the pentakis-dodecahedra {τ+1/τ 1 1} and {1/τ3
1 1}, intersecting the (100) face by their "pentagon-dodecahedral
faces": (τ4 0 1)
and (τ4 0 1)
in the first case, (1+τ2 0 1)
and (1+τ2 0 1) in the second case (3rd row); the
common result is a face of rhomb-triacontahedron having the shape of non-regular but symmetric hexagons
the icosahedron {111}, intersecting
the (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron by the faces (τ 1/τ 0) and
(τ -1/τ 0); also in this case the faces of rhomb-triacontahedron have the shape
of non-regular but symmetric hexagons; they are orientated orthogonally to the
previous hexagonal faces of rhomb-triacontahedron, generated by the
intersection with pentakis-dodecahedra.
The couples of composite forms reported in the six intermediate rows of Fig.4
are similar, even though they correspond to {hkk} forms characterized by
values of the ratio h/k greater (left column) or less (right column) than 1.
The faces of the couple of rhomb-triacontahedra in the 6th row, generated by the intersection with the hexakis-icosahedra
{τ 1 1} and {1/τ 1 1}, have a rhombic shape, characterized by a ratio of the
diagonals equal to τ.
Intersections of the rhomb-triacontahedron with {hkk} forms
in which the ratio h/k assumes decreasing values in the interval:
τ3 ≥ h/k ≥ 0 |
_100&Catalan_deltoid-hexecontahedron_tau2_tau-1.tau-1.png) |
_100&deltoid-hexecontahedron_011.png) |
a) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron intersected by the (τ311) face of the
deltoid-hexecontahedron with the same indices |
o) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron intersected
by the (τ2 1/τ2 1)
face of the deltoid-hexecontahedron {011} |
_100&tau2.1.1_.png) |
_100&1.tau4.tau4.png) |
b) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersected by the (3τ+1 1/τ2 1)
face of the hexakis-icosahedron {τ211} |
n) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersected by
the (5τ-1 1/τ2
τ+1/τ) face of the hexakis-icosahedron
11} |
_100&2tau-1.1.1_pentakisdodecahedron.png) |
_100&2-tau.tau.tau_pentakisdodecahedron_.png) |
c) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersected by the (τ4 01)
face of the pentakis-dodecahedron {τ+1/τ 1 1} |
m) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersected by
the (1+τ2
0 1)
face of the pentakis-dodecahedron {1/τ3
1 1} |
_100&211.png) |
_100&tau-1.tau.tau.png) |
d) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersected by the (3τ2 1/τ2
face of the hexakis-icosahedron {211} |
l) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron intersected
by the (2+τ2 1/τ2
face of the hexakis-icosahedron {1/τ2
11} |
_100&5-2tau.1.1_new_color.png) |
_100&7-4tau.1.1.png) |
e) (100) square face of rhomb-triacontahedron
resulting from the intersection with the
(1+τ2 1/τ2 1/τ2)
face of the hexakis-icosahedron
1 1} |
k) (100) square face of rhomb-triacontahedron
resulting from the intersection with the
(2+1/τ2 1/τ2 1/τ2)
face of the hexakis-icosahedron
τ2 τ2}
_100&tau.1.1.png) |
_100&1.tau.tau.png) |
f) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersected by the (τ3
1/τ 1/τ2)
face of the hexakis-icosahedron {τ 1 1}
j) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron intersected
by the (3
1/τ 1/τ2)
face of the hexakis-icosahedron {1/τ 1 1}
_100&3-tau.1.1.png) |
_100&1.3-tau.3-tau.png) |
g) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron intersected by the (7τ+5 τ+2 1)
face of the hexakis-icosahedron {1+1/τ2 1 1}
i) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron intersected by the
(τ5 3τ-2 1)
face of the hexakis-icosahedron {1 1+1/τ2 1+1/τ2}
_100&111.png) |
h) (100) face of the rhomb-triacontahedron
intersected by the (τ 1/τ 0)
face of the icosahedron {111} |
Figure 4
The animated sequence shown in Figure 5
reports the views along the [001] direction and the corresponding stereographic projections relative to twenty-five composite forms
obtained from the intersection of the rhomb-triacontahedron with forms that include {hkk} faces, indicated by a red circle in the
stereographic net, in which the ratio h/k varies in the interval 4τ+1 ≥ h/k ≥ 0
(the ratio h/k = 4τ+1 in a {hkk} form corresponds to the Catalan hexakis-icosahedron).
International Union of Crystallography
International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. A, Theo Hahn Editor,
Kluwer Academic Publisher, 1989
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Description of the Forms Belonging to the 235 and m35
Icosahedral Point Groups Starting from the Pairs of Dual Polyhedra:
Icosahedron-Dodecahedron and Archimedean Polyhedra-Catalan Polyhedra
VisMath, volume 9, No. 4, 2007
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Platonic and Catalan Polyhedra as Archetypes of Forms Belonging to the
Cubic and Icosahedral Systems
VisMath, volume 11, No. 2, 2009