The “Strategic Mistakes” in the Mathematics
and the Role of the Harmony
Mathematics for Their Overcoming
Alexey Stakhov
6 McCreary Trail, ·
In this study, we develop a new
approach to the mathematics history. We analyze the “strategic mistakes” in the
mathematics development (the severance
of relations between mathematics and theoretical natural sciences, the neglect of the “beginnings,” the neglect of the “golden section,” the one-sided interpretation
1. Introduction: “Mathematics. The Loss of Certainty”
2. The “Strategic mistakes” in the mathematics development
2.1.The neglect of the “beginnings”
2.2.The neglect of the Golden Section
2.3. The one-sided interpretation of
2.4. The
one-sided approach to the mathematics origin
2.5. The
greatest mathematical mystification of the 19th century
2.6. The underestimation of the Binet formulas
2.7. The underestimation of Felix Klein's idea concerning Regular Icosahedron
2.8. The underestimation
Bergman’s discovery
3. A role of the “Harmony Mathematics” for the overcoming of the
“strategic mistakes” of mathematics
3.1. Three
“key” problems of mathematics on the stage of its origin and a new approach to
the mathematics history
3.2. The
generalized Fibonacci numbers and the generalized golden proportions as a new
stage in the development of the “Golden Section” theory
3.3. Hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions
3.4. Gazale
formulas and a general theory of hyperbolic functions
Algorithmic measurement theory
3.6. A new
geometric definition of number
Fibonacci and “golden” matrices
Applications in computer science
3.9. The
fundamental discoveries of modern science based on the golden section
The book Mathematics. The Loss of Certainty [1] by Morris Kline, Professor Emeritus
of Mathematics Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences of
Morris Kline (1908-1992)
Kline wrote:
“The history of mathematics is crowned with
glorious achievements but also a record of calamities. The loss of truth is
certainly a tragedy of the first magnitude, for truths are man’s dearest
possessions and a loss of even one is cause for grief. The realization that the
splendid showcase of human reasoning exhibits a by no means perfect structure
but one marred by shortcomings and vulnerable to the discovery of disastrous
contradiction at any time is another blow to the stature of mathematics. But
there are not the only grounds for distress. Grave misgivings and cause for
dissension among mathematicians stem from the direction which research of the
past one hundred years has taken. Most mathematicians have withdrawn from the
world to concentrate on problems generated within mathematics. They have
abandoned science. This change in direction is often described as the turn to
pure as opposed to applied mathematics.”
Further we read:
“Science had been the life blood and sustenance of
mathematics. Mathematicians were willing partners with physicists, astronomers,
chemists, and engineers in the scientific enterprise. In fact, during the 17th
and 18th centuries and most of the 19th, the distinction between mathematics
and theoretical science was rarely noted. And many of the leading mathematicians
did far greater work in astronomy, mechanics, hydrodynamics, electricity,
magnetism, and elasticity than they did in mathematics proper. Mathematics was
simultaneously the queen and the handmaiden of the sciences.”
notes that our great predecessors
did not be interested in the
problems of the “pure mathematics,” which were put forward in the forefront of the 20th century mathematics. In this connection, Kline writes:
“However, pure mathematics totally
unrelated to science was not the main concern. It was a hobby, a diversion from
the far more vital and intriguing problems posed by the sciences. Though Fermat
was the founder of the theory of numbers, he devoted most of his efforts to the
creation of
1 Academician of the International Higher
analytic geometry, to problems of the
calculus, and to optics ... He tried to interest Pascal and Huygens in the
theory of numbers but filed. Very few men of the 17th century took any interest in that subject.” Felix Klein, who was the recognized
head of the mathematical world on the boundary of the 19th and 20th centuries,
considered it necessary to make a protest against
striving for abstract, “pure” mathematics:
cannot help feeling that in the rapid developments of modern through our
science is in danger of becoming more and more isolated. The intimate mutual
relation between mathematics and theoretical natural science which, to the
lasting benefit of both sides, existed ever since the rise of modern analysis, threatens
to be disrupted.”
Richard Courant, who headed the
Institute of Mathematical Sciences of New York University, also treated disapprobatory the passion to the “pure” mathematics. He wrote in 1939:
serious threat to the very life of science is implied in the assertion that
mathematics is nothing but a system of conclusions drawn from the definition
and postulates that must be consistent but otherwise may be created by the free
will of mathematicians. If this description were accurate, mathematics could
not attract any intelligent person. It
would be a game with definitions, rules, and syllogisms without motivation or
goal. The notion that the intellect can create meaningful postulational system at its whim is a deceptive
half-truth. Only under the discipline of
responsibility to the organic whole, only guided by intrinsic necessity, can be
free mind achieve results of scientific value.”
At present, mathematicians turned
their attention to the solution of the old mathematical
problems formulated by the Great mathematicians of the past. Fermat’s Last Theorem
is one of them. This theorem can be formulated
very simply. Let us
prove that for n>2 any integers x, y, z do not satisfy the
correlation xn + yn = zn. The theorem
was formulated by Fermat in 1637 on the margins of Diofant’s book Arithmetics together with the postscript that the witty proof found by him is too long that to be placed here. As is well known, many outstanding
mathematicians (Euler, Dirichlet, Legandre and others) tried to solve this
problem. The proof of Fermat's Last Theorem was completed in 1993 by Andrew Wiles, a British mathematician working at
Princeton in the
As is well known, Gauss was a
specialist in number theory what is confirmed by the
publication of his book Arithmetical Researchers (1801). In this connection, it is
curiously to know Gauss’ opinion about Fermat’s
Last Theorem. Gauss explained in one of his letters why he did not study
Fermat’s problem. From his point of view, “Fermat’s hypothesis is the
isolated theorem, which is connected with nothing, and therefore this theorem
does not represent any interest” [1].
We should not forget
that Gauss treated with great interest to all 19th century mathematical
problems and discoveries. In particular, Gauss was the first mathematician who
supported Lobachevski’s researchers on the Non-Euclidean geometry. Without doubts, Gauss’ opinion about Fermat’s
Last Theorem belittles somewhat Andrew Wiles’ proof of this theorem. In this connection, we can ask the following
questions: (1) What significance has Fermat’s Last Theorem for the
development of modern science? (2) Can we compare the solution of Fermat’s
problem with the discovery of the Non-Euclidean geometry in the first half of
the 19th century and with another mathematical discoveries? (3) Whether is
Fermat’s Last Theorem an “aimless play of intellect” and whether is its proof a
demonstration of power of human intellect -
and not more?
Thus, after Felix Klein, Richard
Courant and other famous mathematicians, Morris Kline asserts that the main reason of
contemporary crisis of mathematics is the severance of the relationship between
mathematics and theoretical natural sciences what is the greatest “strategic
mistake” of the 20th century mathematics.
2.1. The neglect of the “beginnings”
Russian Great mathematician Kolmogorov wrote the Preface to the Russian translation
of Lebegue’s book About the Measurement of Magnitudes [2]. He wrote that
“there is tendency among mathematicians to be ashamed of
the mathematics origin. In comparison with crystalline clearness of the theory
development, since its basic notions and assumptions, it seems unsavory and unpleasant
pastime to rummage in the origin of these basic notions and assumptions. All building of the school algebra and all
mathematical analysis might be constructed on the notion of real number without
the mention about the measurement of specific magnitudes (lengths, areas, time
intervals, and so on). Therefore, one and the same tendency shows itself at
different stages of education and with different degree of courage to introduce
numbers as possibly sooner and further to speak only about numbers and correlations
among them. Lebegue protests against this tendency!”
this statement, Kolmogorov noticed one peculiarity of mathematicians – the diffident
relation to the “beginnings” of mathematics, by other words, the
neglect of the “beginnings” (“at different stages of education and with
different degree of courage”). However, long before Kolmogorov, Nikolay
Lobachevski paid attention on
this tendency:
“Algebra and Geometry have one and the same fate. The very slow successes did follow after the fast
ones at the beginning. They left science
in a state very far from perfect. It
happened, probably, because mathematicians have turned all their attention to the
advanced parts of analytics, and have neglected the origins of Mathematics and
are not willing to dig the field that has already been harvested by them and
left behind.”
However, just Lobachevski had demonstrated by his researches that the “beginnings” of
mathematical sciences, in particular,
“I have found in geometry some imperfections,
which are reasons of the fact why this
science did not overstep until now the
limits of
As is well known, Lobachevski, in contrast to other
mathematicians did not neglect by the “beginnings.” The thorough analysis of the Fifth Euclidean Postulate (“the important gap in the theory of
parallel lines”)
had led him to the creation of the Non-Euclidean geometry - the most important
mathematical 19th century discovery.
2.2. The neglect of the Golden Section
Pythagoreans had advanced for the first time a
brilliant idea about harmonic structure of the Universe including not only
nature and person but also all cosmos. According to Pythagoreans, “harmony is inner
connection of things without which cosmos cannot exist.” At last, according to
Pythagoras, harmony has numerical expression, that is, it is connected with
number concept. Aristotle
noticed in his Methaphysics just this peculiarity of the
Pythagorean doctrine:
“The so-called Pythagoreans,
studying mathematical sciences, for the first time have moved them forward and,
basing on them, began to consider mathematics as the beginnings of all
things... Because all things became like to numbers, and numbers occupied first
place in all nature, they assumed that the elements of numbers are the
beginning of all things and that all universe is harmony and number.”
Bust of Pythagoras of Samos in the Capitoline Museums, Rome
Pythagoreans recognized that the
shape of the Universe should be harmonious and all “elements” of the Universe
are connected with harmonious figures. Pythagoras taught that the Earth arose from cube, the
Fire from pyramid (tetrahedron), the Air from octahedron, the Water from
icosahedron, the sphere of the Universe (the ether) from dodecahedron.
The famous Pythagorean doctrine about the
“harmony of spheres” is connected with the harmony concept. Pythagoras and his
followers considered that the movement of heavenly bodies around the central
world fire creates wonderful music, which is perceived not by ear, but by
intellect. The doctrine about the “harmony of spheres,” about the unity of micro
and macro cosmos, the doctrine about proportions - all in
the whole build up the base of the
Pythagorean doctrine.
The main conclusion, which follows
from Pythagorean doctrine, consists of
the fact that harmony is objective; it exists independently from our consciousness and is expressed
in harmonious structure of the Universe since cosmos up to microcosm. However,
if harmony is objective, it should become a subject of mathematical researches.
Pythagorean doctrine about numerical
harmony of the Universe had influenced on the development of all subsequent
doctrines about nature and essence of harmony. This brilliant doctrine got
reflection and development in the works of the Great thinkers, in particular,
in Plato’s cosmology. In his works,
Plato develops Pythagorean doctrine and emphasizes especially cosmic significance of
harmony. He is firmly convinced
that harmony can be expressed by numerical proportions. The Pythagorean
influence is traced
especially in his Timeous, where Plato, after Pythagoras, develops a doctrine about
proportions and analyzes a role of the regular polyhedrons (Platonic Solids),
which, in his opinion, underlie the Universe.
The “golden section,” which was
called in that period the “division in extreme and mean ratio,” played especial
role in ancient science, including Plato’s cosmology. Alexey Losev, the Russian
brilliant philosopher and researcher of the aesthetics of Ancient Greece and
Renaissance, expressed his relation to the “golden section” and Plato’s
cosmology in the following words:
Alexey Losev (1893-1988)
“From Plato’s point
of view, and generally from the point of view of all antique cosmology, the
universe is a certain proportional whole that is subordinated to the law of
harmonious division, the Golden Section... Their system
of cosmic proportions is considered sometimes in literature as curious result of unrestrained and
preposterous fantasy. Full anti-scientific helplessness
sounds in the explanations of those who declare
this. However, we can understand the given historical
and aesthetical phenomenon only in the connection with integral
comprehension of history, that is, by using dialectical-materialistic idea of
culture and by searching the answer in peculiarities of the ancient social
We can ask the question: in what way the “golden
section” is reflected in contemporary mathematics? Unfortunately, we can give the
following answer: in now way. In mathematics Pythagoras and Plato’s ideas are considered
as “curious result of unrestrained and
preposterous fantasy.” Therefore, the majority of
mathematicians consider a study of the “golden section” a pastime, which is unworthy for serious mathematician.
Unfortunately, we can find the neglect of the “golden section in
contemporary theoretical physics. In 2006 the Publishing House”BIMON” (
“The third part of the
book is devoted to the discussion of the numerous examples of manifestation of the
“golden section” in art, biology and in the surrounding us reality. However, as it is no paradoxical, the "golden proportion” in
contemporary theoretical physics is reflected in no way. In order to be
convinced in this fact, it is enough to browse 10 volumes of Theoretical Physics by Landau and
Lifshitz. A time came to fill this gap in
physics, all the more that the “golden proportion” is connected closely with metaphysics and trinitarity.”
In this connection, we should remember Kepler's well-known saying, which concerns to the “golden section”:
has two great treasures: one is the Theorem of Pythagoras; the other, the
division of a line into extreme and mean ratio. The first, we may compare to a
measure of gold; the second we may name a precious stone.”
Kepler (1571-1630)
mathematicians consider Kepler’s saying as big overstatement for the “golden section.” However, we should not forget that Kepler was
not only brilliant astronomer, but (in contrast to the mathematicians who
criticizes Kepler) also Great physicist and Great mathematician. Kepler was one
of the first scientist, who raised a problem to study the “Harmony of the
Universe” in his book Harmonices Mundi (“Harmony of the
World”). In Harmony, he attempted to explain the proportions of the
natural world-particularly the astronomical and astrological aspects-in terms
of music. The central set of "harmonies" was the Musica Universalis or Music of the Spheres, which had been
studied by Ptolemy and many others before Kepler. Kepler began by
exploring Regular Polygons and Regular
Solids, including the figures that would come to be known as Kepler's
Solids . From there, he extended his harmonic analysis to music,
meteorology and astrology; harmony resulted from the tones made by the souls of
heavenly bodies-and in the case of astrology, the interaction between those
tones and human souls. In the final portion of the work (Book V), Kepler dealt
with planetary motions, especially relationships between orbital velocity and orbital distance from the Sun.
Similar relationships had been used by other astronomers, but Kepler-with
Tycho's data and his own astronomical theories-treated them much more precisely
and attached new physical significance to them.
Thus, the neglect of the “golden section” and the ”harmony idea” is one more “strategic mistake” not only mathematics but
also theoretical physics.
This mistake originated a number of other
“strategic mistakes” in the mathematics development.
2.3. The one-sided interpretation of
As is
there is another point of view on the Elements suggested by Proclus
Diadoch (412-485), the best commentator of
This hypothesis
is confirmed by geometric theorems of
The one-sided interpretation of
2.4. The one-sided approach to the mathematics origin
As is well
known, a traditional approach to the mathematics origin consists of the following
[5]. Historically, two practical problems stimulated the mathematics
development on the earlier stages of its development. We are talking about “count
problem” and “measurement problem.” The “count problem” resulted in
the creation of the first methods of number representation and the first rules
for the fulfillment of arithmetical operations (Babylonian sexagecimal number
system, Egyptian decimal arithmetic and so on). Forming
the natural number concept was the main result of this long period in the
mathematics history. On the other hand, the “measurement problem” underlies the geometry creation
(“Measurement of the Earth”). A discovery of the incommensurable line
segments is considered the major mathematical discovery in this field. This
discovery resulted in the introduction of irrational numbers, the next
fundamental notion of mathematics after natural numbers.
The concepts of natural number and
irrational number are the major fundamental mathematical concepts,
without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of mathematics. These concepts underlie “classical
Unfortunately, mathematicians neglected the
“harmony problem” and the “golden section,” which influenced on the mathematics
development. As result, we have one-sided look on the mathematics origin what
is one more “strategic mistake” in the mathematics development.
2.5. The greatest mathematical mystification of the 19th century
“strategic mistake,” which influenced considerably on the mathematics
development, was made in the 19th century. We are talking about Cantor’s
Theory of Infinite Sets. This theory brought to mathematics a number of
useful mathematical results and was used in the “golden section theory” [6]. However, Cantor’s theory was perceived by the
19th century mathematicians without critical analysis. The end of the 19th century was
a culmination point in recognizing of Cantor’s theory of infinite sets.
Cantor (1845-1918)
The official proclamation of the set-theoretical ideas as the mathematics
base was held in 1897: this
statement was contained in Hadamard’s speech on the First
International Congress of Mathematicians in
very soon the “mathematical paradise" based on Cantor's set theory was destroyed. A disclosure of
paradoxes in Cantor’s theory of infinite sets resulted in the crisis in
mathematics foundations what cooled enthusiasm of mathematicians to Cantor’s theory. The Russian mathematician
Alexander Zenkin doted the last point in the appraisal of
Cantor’s theory and introduced by him concept of “actual infinity,”
which is the main philosophical idea of Cantor’s theory.
After the thorough analysis of
Cantor’s continuum theorem, in which Alexander Zenkin gave the
"logic" substantiation for legitimacy of the use of the “actual
infinity” in mathematics, he
did the following unusual conclusion
1. Cantor’s proof of this theorem is not mathematical
proof in Hilbert’s sense and in the sense of classical mathematics.
Cantor’s conclusion about non-denumerability of continuum is a "jump”
through a potentially infinite stage, that is, Cantor’s reasoning contains the
fatal logic error of “unproved basis" (a jump to the “wishful
Cantor’s theorem, actually, proves, strictly mathematically, the potential,
that is, not finished character of the
infinity of the set of all “real numbers,” that is, Cantor proves strictly
mathematically the fundamental principle of classical logic and mathematics: "Infinitum
Actu Non Datur" (Aristotle).
Thus, Cantor’s theory of infinite sets
based on the concept of “actual infinity” contains “fatal logic error” and
cannot be mathematics base. Its acceptance as
mathematics foundation, without proper critical analysis, is one more
“strategic mistake” in the mathematics development; Cantor’s theory is one of
the major reasons of the contemporary crisis in mathematics foundations.
2.6. The underestimation
of the Binet formulas
In the 19th century a theory of the “golden section” was supplemented by one important result. We are talking about the so-called Binet formulas for Fibonacci and Lucas numbers:
where is the “golden mean”;
n=0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ...
of the Binet formulas gives us a possibility to feel "aesthetic pleasure" and once again to be convinced in the power of human intellect! Really, we
know that the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers always are integers. On the other hand, any power of the
golden mean is irrational number. It follows from the Binet formulas that the
integer numbers F(n) and L(n) can be
represented as the difference or the sum of irrational numbers, the powers of the golden mean!
in classical mathematics the Binet formulas did not get a proper recognition as, for example, “Euler formulas.”
Apparently, such relation to the Binet formulas is connected with the “golden
mean,” which always provoked the “allergy” of
the main “strategic mistake” in the underestimation of the Binet Formulas consists of the
fact that mathematicians could not see
in Binet formulas a prototype of a new class of hyperbolic functions - the
hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions. Such functions were discovered 100
years later by the Ukrainian researchers Bodnar [8], Stakhov, Tkachenko, Rozin
[9-13]. If the hyperbolic functions Fibonacci and Lucas would be discovered in the 19th century, the
hyperbolic geometry and its applications to theoretical physics would get a new impulse in their
2.7. The underestimation of
Felix Klein's idea
concerning Regular Icosahedron
In the 19th century the Great mathematician Felix Klein tried to unite all branches of mathematics on the base of the regular icosahedron dual to the dodecahedron [14].
Klein interprets
the regular icosahedron based on the “golden section” as a geometric object,
which is connected with 5 mathematical theories: Geometry, Galois Theory, Group Theory, Invariant Theory, Differential
Equations. Klein’s main idea is extremely simple: “Each unique geometric object is connected one
way or another with the properties of the regular icosahedron.” Unfortunately, this remarkable idea did not
get the development in contemporary mathematics what is one more “strategic
mistake” in the mathematics development.
2.8. The underestimation
of Bergman’s
One “strange” tradition
exists in mathematics. It is usually for mathematicians to underestimate
mathematical achievements of their contemporaries. The epochal mathematical
discoveries, as a rule,
in the beginning could
not be perceived by
mathematicians. Sometimes they are subjected to sharp criticism and even to
gibes. Only after approximately 50
years, as a rule, after the death of the authors of the outstanding
mathematical discoveries, new mathematical theories are recognized and take
worthy place in mathematics. The
dramatic destinies of Lobachevski, Abel, Galois are known very well in order to
describe them more detailed.
George Bergman
In 1957 the American
mathematician George Bergman published the article A number system with an irrational base [15]. In this article Bergman
developed very unusual extension of the notion of positional number system. He suggested to use the “golden mean” as a base of a
special number system. If we use the sequences Fi {i=0,
±1, ±2, ±3, …} as “digit weights” of the “binary” number system, we get the
“binary” number system with irrational base F:
where А is real number, ai are binary numerals 0 or 1, i = 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3 …, Fi is the weight of the i-th digit, F is a base of number system (2).
Unfortunately, Bergman’s article [15]
did not be noticed in
that period by
mathematicians. Only journalists
were surprised by the fact that George Bergman made his mathematical discovery in
the age of 12 years! In this connection, the Magazine
«TIMES» had published
the article about mathematical talent of
In [17] the so-called “codes of the golden p-proportions”
were introduced. They are positional “binary” number systems similar to
Bergman’s system. However, the
“golden p-proportions” - positive roots of the algebraic equations xp+1
= xp + 1 (р
= 0, 1, 2, 3, ...)
are their bases. The “codes of the golden p-proportions” are a wide
generalization of Bergman’s number system (p=1). They originate a new, unknown until now class of
positional number systems - number systems with irrational bases.
“strategic” importance of Bergman’s system and its generalization - the “codes
of the golden p-proportion” - consists of the fact that they overturn our ideas about positional number
systems, moreover, our ideas between correlations between rational and
irrational numbers.
As is well known, historically natural numbers were first introduced, after them rational numbers as ratios of natural numbers, and later - after the discovery of the “incommensurable line segments” - irrational numbers, which cannot be expressed as ratios of natural numbers. By using the traditional positional number systems (binary, ternary, decimal and so on), we can represent any natural, real or irrational number by the base of number system (2, 3, 10 and so on). The bases of Bergman’s system [15] and “codes of the golden p-proportion” [17] are some irrational numbers – the “golden mean” or the golden p-proportion. By using these irrational numbers, we can represent natural, real and irrational numbers. It is clear that Bergman’s system and codes of the golden p-proportion can be considered as a new definition of real number: such approach is of great importance for number theory.
“Strategic mistake” of the 20th
century mathematicians is that they took
no notice Bergman’s mathematical discovery, which can be considered
as the major
mathematical discovery
in the field of number systems (after the Babylonian discovery of the
positional principle of number representation and also decimal and binary
3. A role of the “Harmony Mathematics” for the
overcoming of the “strategic mistakes” of mathematics
The main
purpose of the “Harmony Mathematics,” which is developing by the author in
recent years [18-27], is to overcome the “strategic mistakes,” which
arose in mathematics in process of its development.
3.1. Three “key” problems of
mathematics on the stage of its origin and a new approach to the mathematics
A new approach to the mathematics history is developed in [27] (see figure below).
Figure. Three “key” problems of the ancient mathematics
can see that three “key” problems - the “count problem,” the “measurement
problem,” and the “harmony problem” - underlie mathematics
origin. The first two “key” problems
resulted in the origin of the two fundamental mathematics notions - “natural
number” and “irrational number” that underlie the “classical
mathematics.” The “harmony problem” connected with the “division
in the extreme and mean ratio” (Theorem II.11 of
many centuries the main forces of mathematicians were directed on the creation of the “Classical
Mathematics,” which became Czarina of Natural Sciences. However, the
forces of many prominent mathematicians - since Pythagoras, Plato and
Euclid, Pacioli, Kepler up to Lucas,
Binet, Vorobyov, Hoggatt and so on - were directed on the development of the
basic concepts and applications of the Harmony Mathematics. Unfortunately,
these important mathematical directions developed separately one from other. A
time came to unite the “Classical Mathematics” and the “Harmony Mathematics.”
This unusual union can result in new scientific discoveries in mathematics and
natural sciences. The newest discoveries in natural sciences, in particular,
Shechtman’s quasi-crystals based on Plato’s icosahedron and fullerenes (Nobel
Prize of 1996) based on the Archimedean truncated icosahedron do demand this union. All
mathematical theories and directions should be united for one unique purpose to
discover and explain Nature's
3.2. The generalized Fibonacci numbers and the generalized golden proportions
as a new stage in the development of the “Golden Section” theory
3.2.1. The
Generalized Fibonacci p-numbers. In the recent decades many scientists independently one from
another made generalizations of the Fibonacci numbers
and the “golden mean.” The generalized Fibonacci p-numbers [16] are the
first of them. For a given integer р=0, 1, 2, 3, ... , they are given by the recursive relation:
Fp(n) = Fp(n-1) + Fp(n-p-1);
Fp(0)=0, Fp(1)= Fp(2)=...=
Fp(p)=1. (3)
is easy to see that for the case р=1 the above recursive
formula is reduced to the recursive formula for the classical Fibonacci
F1(n) = F1(n-1) + F1(n-2);
F1(0)=0, F1(1)=1. (4)
follows from here that
Fibonacci р-numbers express more complicated “harmonies” than the classical
Fibonacci numbers.
Recursive relation for the Fibonacci
р-numbers results in the following characteristic algebraic equation:
xp+1 = xp + 1, (5)
which for
р=1 is reduced to the algebraic equation for the classical
“golden mean”:
x2 = x + 1. (6)
The positive
root of Eq (5) called the “golden р-proportion” [16] express
more general “harmonies” than the classical “golden mean.” If we denote by Фр the “golden р-proportion,” then it is easy to prove [16] that the powers of the “golden
р-proportions” are connected between themselves by the
following identity:
Фpn = Фpn-1 + Фpn-p-1 = Фp ´Фpn-1 , (7)
that is,
each power of the “golden р-proportion” is
connected with the preceding powers by the “additive” correlation Фpn = Фpn-1 + Фpn-p-1, and by the “multiplicative”
corelation Фpn = Фp ´Фpn-1 (similarly to the classical “golden mean”).
It is important to note that the recursive relation (3)
express some deep mathematical properties of Pascal triangle (diagonal sums of
Pascal triangle). The Fibonacci p-numbers
are expressed by binomial coefficients as follows [15]:
Fp(n) = Cn0 + Cn-p1 + Cn-2p2 + Cn-3p3 + Cn-4p4 + ...
3.2.2. The Generalized
Fibonacci m-numbers. The other generalization
of Fibonacci numbers was introduced recently by Vera W. Spinadel [28], Midchat
Gazale [29], Jay Kappraff [30] and other scientists. We are talking about the generalized Fibonacci
m-numbers that for a given positive
real number m>0 are given by the
recursive relation:
Fm(n) = mFm(n-1) + Fm(n-2); Fm(0)=0, Fm(1)=1. (8)
First of
all, we note that the recursive relation (8) is reduced to the recursive relation
(4) for the case m=1. For another values
of m the recursive relation (8) originates
infinite number of new recursive numerical sequences.
It follows from (8) the following
characteristic algebraic equation:
x2 – mx – 1 = 0, (9)
which for
the case m=1 is reduced to (6). A positive
root of Eq (9) originates infinite number of new “harmonic” proportions – the “golden m-proportions,”
which are expressed by the following general formula:
Note that for the case m=1
the formula (10) gives the classical “golden mean” . The “golden m-proportions”
posses the following mathematical properties:
, (11)
which are generalizations of similar properties for the
classical “golden mean”:
The expressions (11) and (12) emphasize a fundamental character
both the classical “golden mean” and the generalized “golden m-proportions.”
3.2.3. The Generalized Fibonacci (p,m)-numbers. In 2007 Gokcen Kocer, Naim Tuglu and Alexey Stakhov suggested the extension of the generalized Fibonacci p-numbers and the generalized Fibonacci p-numbers [31], which is expressed by the following recursive formula:
Fp, m(n) = mFp,m(n-1) + Fp,m(n-p-1); Fp,m(0) = 0, Fp,m(k) = mk-1, k=1, 2, 3, ..., p (13)
It is clear, that the recursive formula (13) defines a more general class of the recursive numerical sequences than the Fibonacci p-numbers or the Fibonacci m-numbers. Note that for the case m=1 the Fibonacci (p,m)-numbers coincide with the Fibonacci p-numbers, that is, Fp,1(n) = Fp (n), and for the case p=1 the Fibonacci (p,m)-numbers coincide with the Fibonacci m-numbers, that is, F1,m(n) = Fm(n). For the case p=1 and m=1, the Fibonacci (p,m)-numbers coincide with the classical Fibonacci numbers.
Characteristic algebraic equation for the generalized Fibonacci(p,m)-numbers given by (11) has the following form:
xp+1 – mxp – 1 = 0. (14)
Note that for the case m=1 Eq (14) is reduced to Eq (5) and for the case p=1 to Eq (9).
Note that the generalized golden
proportions are of fundamental interest for contemporary mathematics and
theoretical physics because they are new mathematical constants, which can be
discovered in nature. This audacious statement
is confirmed by a new theory of hyperbolic functions.
3.3. Hyperbolic Fibonacci
and Lucas functions
discovery of the deep mathematical connection between Fibonacci and Lucas
numbers and hyperbolic functions is one of the major mathematical achievements
of the contemporary “Fibonacci numbers theory.” For the first time, the English
mathematician Vaida paid attention on such connection [32]. Independently one
to another, the Ukrainian architect Bodnar [8] and the Ukrainian mathematicians
Stakhov and Tkachenko [9] had introduced
a new class of hyperbolic functions based on the “golden mean.” A further
development this idea got in the works by Stakhov and Rozin [10-13].
Let us consider the so-called symmetrical
hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions [10]:
where F = .
Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are connected with the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions (13) and (14) by the following simple correlations:
correlations demonstrate that the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions (15)
and (16), in
contrast to the classical hyperbolic functions, have “discrete” analogs in the form of the classical
Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. If we represent the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas
functions (15) and (16) in graphical form, we can see that, in accordance to
(17), the classical Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are inscribed into the graphs
of the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions (15) and (16) in the “discrete”
points 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ... . It is proved [9] that every “continuous” identity
for the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas
functions (15) and (16) has its own
”discrete” analog in the form of the corresponding identity for the classical
Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. This means that the “discrete” theory of Fibonacci
numbers [31] is partial, “discrete” case of more general, “continuous” theory
of hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions. Thus, the introduction of the
hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions is raising “Fibonacci numbers theory” [32]
on a much higher scientific level.
we will discuss a “physical” sense of the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas
functions. A brilliant answer to this question is given by the Ukrainian
researcher Oleg Bodnar [8]. By using
these functions, he had developed an original geometric theory of phyllotaxis
and explained why Fibonacci spirals arise on the surface of the phyllotaxis
objects (pine cones, cacti, pine apple, heads of sunflower and so on) in
process of their growths. “Bodnar’s geometry” confirms that the hyperbolic
Fibonacci and Lucas functions are “natural” functions of the living nature.
This fact allows us to assert that the
hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas functions can be attributed to the class of
fundamental mathematical discoveries of contemporary science because they
reflect phenomena of nature, in particular, botanic phenomenon of phyllotaxis.
3.4. Gazale formulas and a general theory of hyperbolic functions
Recently, the Egyptian mathematician Midchat Gazale [29], by studying the recursive relation (8), had deduced the remarkable formula named in [13] Gazale formula. For the case of the Fibonacci m-numbers, this formula takes the following form:
where m>0 is a given positive real number, Fm is the “golden m-proportion”
given by (10), n
= 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ... . The similar Gazale
formula for the Lucas m-numbers is
deduced in [13]:
Lm(n) = Fmn + (-1)nFm-n (19)
First of all, we note that
“Gazale formulas” (16) and (17) are a wide generalization of “Binet formulas” (1)
The most important result is that
“Gazale formulas” (18) and (19) resulted in a general theory of hyperbolic
functions [12].
Hyperbolic Fibonacci m-sine
Hyperbolic Fibonacci m-cosine
Hyperbolic Lucas m-sine
Hyperbolic Lucas m-cosine
formulas (20)-(23) give an infinite number of hyperbolic models of nature
because every real number m originates its own class of the hyperbolic
functions given by (20)-(23). As is
proved in [12], these functions have, on the one hand, the “hyperbolic”
properties similar to the properties of the classical
hyperbolic functions, on the other hand, the “recursive”
properties similar to the properties of the Fibonacci m-numbers (8). In particular, the classical hyperbolic functions
are partial case of the hyperbolic Lucas m-functions.
For the the classical
hyperbolic functions are connected with the hyperbolic Lucas m-functions by the following
. (24)
Note that for the case m=1, the hyperbolic Fibonacci and
Lucas m-functions (20)-(23) coincide with the symmetric hyperbolic
Fibonacci and Lucas functions (15) and (16). Above we noted that the functions
(15) and (16) can be attributed to the fundamental mathematical results of
modern science because they
“reflect phenomena of Nature,” in particular, phyllotaxis phenomenon. It
is obviously that this conclusion can be true for the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas m-functions
(20)-(23). These functions set a general theory of hyperbolic functions what is
of fundamental importance for contemporary mathematics and theoretical physics.
We can suppose that hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas m-functions, which
correspond to the different values of m, can model different physical phenomena. For example, for the
case m=2 the recursive relation (8) is reduced to the recursive relation
F2(n) = 2F2(n-1) + F2(n-2); F2(0)=0, F2(1)=1, (25)
which gives the so-called Pell numbers: 0, 1, 2, 5, 12, 29, ... .
In this connection, the formulas for the “golden 2-proportion” and hyperbolic
Fibonacci and Lucas 2-numbers take the following forms, respectively:
Ф2 = 1+,
A general theory of hyperbolic functions given by (20)-(23) can
lead to the following scientific theories of fundamental character: (1) Lobachevski’s “golden” geometry; (2)
Minkovski’s “golden” geometry as
original interpretation of Einstein’s special relativity theory. In Lobachevski’s “golden” geometry
and Minkovski's "golden" geometry, the processes of real world are modeled,
in general case, by the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas m-functions (20)-(23). Lobachevski’s geometry, Minkovski's
geometry and Bodnar's geometry [8] are partial cases of this general
hyperbolic geometry. We can suppose that such approach is of great importance
for contemporary mathematics and theoretical physics and could become a source of new scientific
3.5. Algorithmic measurement theory
As is well
known, a discovery of incommensurable segments caused the first crisis in the
mathematics foundations. In order to overcome this crisis, the Great
mathematician Eudoxus had developed mathematical theory of magnitudes, which
later had been
transformed into mathematical measurement theory [2]. Cantor’s
axiom based on Cantor’s actual infinity was introduced into this theory in the 19th century.
As was shown in [16], Cantor’s axiom is the major reason why the classical
measurement theory is internally contradictory theory. In author’s book [16], a
constructive approach to mathematical measurement theory was developed. The
essence of the approach is the following. The measurement theory is constructed
on the constructive idea of “potential infinity.” According to this idea, the
measurement is considered as a procedure, which is performed during finite, but potentially unlimited number
of steps. Such approach puts forward a problem of
the synthesis of the optimal measurement algorithms. A proof of the existence of an infinite
number of new, unknown until now optimal measurement algorithms, in particular,
Fibonacci’s measurement algorithms, is the major result of the constructive
(algorithmic) measurement theory. At
present, the algorithmic measurement theory can be used as a source of new,
unknown until now positional number systems what is of great importance for
computer science and could become a source of new computer projects.
3.6. A new geometric definition of number
3.6.1. Euclidean and
The first definition of a number was made in the Greek mathematics.
We are talking about the “Euclidean definition of natural number”:
spite of utmost simplicity of the Euclidean
Definition (26), it had played a great role in mathematics, in particular,
in number theory. This definition underlies many important mathematical
concepts, for example, the concept of the Prime
and Composed numbers, and also the
concept of Divisibility that is one
of the major concepts of number theory. Within many centuries, mathematicians developed
and defined more exactly the concept of a number. In the 17th century, in period of the creation of new science, in particular, new
mathematics, a number of methods of the “continuous” processes study was
developed and the concept of a real number again goes out on the foreground.
Most clearly, a new definition of this concept is given by Isaac Newton, one of
the founders of mathematical analysis, in his Arithmetica Universalis
understand a number not as the set of units, however, as the abstract ratio of
one magnitude to another magnitude of the same kind taken for the unit.“
This formulation gives us
a general definition of numbers, rational and irrational. For example, the
binary system
N = an2n-1 + an-12n-2 + ... + ai2i-1 + ... + a120 (27)
the example of Newton’s Definition, when
we chose the number 2 for the unit and represent a number as the sum of the number
2 powers.
3.6.2. Number systems
with irrational radices as a new definition of real number
Let us consider the set of the
powers of the golden p-proportions:
S = {Fpi, p=0, 1, 2, 3, ...; i=0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ...}. (28)
By using (28), we can construct the following method of
positional representation of real number A:
where ai is the binary numeral of
the i-th digit; is the weight of the i-th digit; Fp is the radix of the
numeral system (29), i = 0, ±1,
±2, ±3, … .
that for the case p=0 the sum (29) is reduced to the classical binary representation
of real number:
For the
case p=1 the sum (29) is reduced to
Bergman’s system (2). For the case p®¥ the sum (29) strives for
the expression similar to (26).
In [17,18] a new approach to
geometric definition of real numbers based on (29) is developing. A new theory
of real numbers follows from this approach. A new property of natural numbers – the Z-property
– and new positional methods of natural number representation – the F- and
L-codes – confirm a fruitfulness
of such approach to the theory of numbers [17,18]. These results are of great importance
for computer science and could become a source of new computer projects.
3.7. Fibonacci and “golden” matrices
3.7.1. Fibonacci matrices. There are one-to-one correspondence
between Fibonacci numbers and special class of square matrices called Fibonacci
matrices. Let us consider a
generating Fibonacci matrix
for the classical Fibonacci numbers (4) [33]:
If we raise the Q-matrix (31) to the n-th power, we obtain:
It is proved that determinant of the Q-matrix (32) is equal:
Det Qn = (-1)n (33)
A generating matrix for the Fibonacci p-numbers
was introduced in [33-35]. The following properties of the Fibonacci p-numbers are proved in [33-35]:
Det Qpn = (-1)np, (36)
where p=0, 1, 2, 3, ... ; n=0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ... .
A generating matrix for the Fibonacci m-matrix
was introduced in [13]. The following properties of the Fibonacci m-matrices (37) are proved in [13]:
Det Gmn= (-1)n. (39)
A general property of the Fibonacci Q-,
Qp-, and Gm-matrices
consists of the following. The determinants of the Fibonacci Q-, Qp-,
and Gm-matrices
and all their powers are equal to +1 or -1. This unique property unites all Fibonacci matrices and their
powers into a special
class of matrices, which are of fundamental interest for matrix theory.
3.7.2. The “golden” matrices. Integer numbers – the classical Fibonacci numbers, the Fibonacci p- and m-numbers - are elements of the Fibonacci matrices (32), (35), (38). In [13, 37] a special class of the square matrices called the “golden” matrices is introduced. Their peculiarity is the fact that the hyperbolic Fibonacci functions (15) or the hyperbolic Fibonacci m-functions (20) and (21) are elements of these matrices. Let us consider the simplest of them [37]:
Note that the hyperbolic Fibonacci functions (15) are elements of the matrices (40). If we calculate the determinants of the matrices (40), that is,
Det Q2x = cFs(2x+1)´cFs(2x-1) – [sFs(2x)]2
Det Q2x+1 = sFs(2x+2)´sFs(2x) – [cFs(2x+1)]2
we obtain the following unusual identities:
Det Q2x = 1; Det Q2x+1 = - 1 (41)
The matrices based on the hyperbolic Fibonacci m-functions (20) and (21) are one more class of the general “golden” matrices [13]:
. (42)
It is proved [12] that the “golden” Gm-matrices (42) posses the following unusual properties:
Det Gm2x = 1; Det Gm2x+1= - 1 (43)
The “golden” matrices (41) and (44) possess an unique mathematical property: their determinant does not depend on the continuous variable x and equal to +1 or – 1.
3.8. Applications in computer science
3.8.1. Fibonacci codes, Fibonacci
arithmetic and Fibonacci computers
A concept
of Fibonacci Computers suggested by the author in the speech "Algorithmic
Measurement Theory and Foundations of Computer Arithmetic" given
on the joint meeting of
the Computer and Cybernetics
Societies of Austria (Vienna,
March 1976) and described in the book [16] is one of the important ideas of
modern computer science. The essence of
the concept consists of the following. Modern computers are based on the binary
system (30), which represents all numbers as the sums of the binary numbers
with binary coefficients, 0 and 1. However, the binary system (30) is
non-redundant what does not allow to detect errors, which could appear in
computer in the process of its exploitation. In
order to eliminate this shortcoming, the author suggested [15] to use the Fibonacci p-codes
N = anFp(n) + an-1Fp(n-1) + ... + aiFp(i) + ... + a1Fp(1), (44)
where N is natural number, aiÎ{0, 1} is a binary numeral of the i-th digit of the code (44); n is the digit number of the code (44); Fp(i) is the i-th digit weight calculated in accordance with the recursive relation (3).
the Fibonacci p-codes (44) represent
all numbers as the sums of the Fibonacci p-numbers
with binary coefficients, 0 and 1. In contrast to the binary number system (27),
the Fibonacci p-codes (44) are redundant positional methods
of number representation. This redundancy can be used for checking different
transformations of numerical information in computer, including arithmetical
operations. The original computer project – Fibonacci
Noise-Tolerant Computer - is developed in [37]. In contrast to
fault-tolerant computer, the noise-tolerant computer allows to detect random
errors – malfunctions
– in computer.
Fibonacci computer project
had been developed by the author in the former Soviet Union since 1976 right
up to disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991. 65 foreign patents of
3.8.2. Ternary mirror-symmetrical
can be constructed by using different number systems. The ternary computer
“Setun” designed in
article Brousentsov’s Ternary Principle, Bergman’s Number System and Ternary
Mirror-Symmetrical Arithmetic [40] published in “The Computer Journal"
(England) got a high approval
of the two outstanding computer specialists - Donald Knut,
Professor-Emeritus of Stanford University and the author of the famous book The
Art of Computer Programming, and Nikolay Brousentsov, Professor of
Moscow University, a principal designer of the fist ternary computer "Setun."
And this fact gives hope that the ternary mirror-symmetrical arithmetic [40]
can become a source of new computer projects in the nearest time.
3.8.3. A new theory of
error-correcting codes based on the Fibonacci matrices
The error-correcting codes [41, 42]
are used widely in modern computer and communication systems for protection of
information from noises. The main idea of error-correcting codes consists of the following [41, 42]. Let us consider the initial code combination
that consists of n data bits. We add to
the initial code combination m error-correction bits and build up the k-digit code combination of the error-correcting code, or (k,n)-code, where k = n+m. The
error-correction bits are formed from the data bits as the sums by module 2 of
the certain groups of the data bits. There are the two important coefficients,
which characterize an ability of error-correcting codes to detect and correct
errors [41].
A potential detecting ability
A potential
correcting ability
where m is a number of error-correction bits, n is a number of data bits.
The formula (46) shows that the coefficient of potential correcting ability diminishes potentially to 0 as the number n of data bits increases. For example, the Hamming (15,11)-code allows to detect 211´(215 - 211) = 62 914 560 erroneous transitions; at that it can correct only 215 - 211 = 30720 erroneous transitions, that is, it can correct only 30720/62 914 560 = 0, 0004882 (0, 04882%) erroneous transitions. If we take n=20, then according to (46) the potential correcting ability of the error-correcting (k,n)-code diminishes to 0,00009%. Thus, a potential correcting ability of the classical error-correcting codes [41, 42] is very low. This conclusion is of fundamental character! One more fundamental shortcoming of all known error-correcting codes is the fact that the very small information elements, bits and their combinations, are the objects of detection and correction.
A new
theory of error-correcting codes [35, 36] that is based on the Fibonacci
matrices has the following advantages in
comparison to the existing theory of algebraic error-correcting codes [41, 42]:
(1) the Fibonacci coding/decoding method is reduced to matrix multiplication,
that is, to the well-known algebraic operation that is carried out very well in
modern computers; (2) the main practical peculiarity of the Fibonacci encoding/decoding
method is the fact that large information units, in particular, matrix
elements, are objects of detection and correction of errors; (3) the simplest Fibonacci
coding/decoding method (p=1) can guarantee a restoration of all
”erroneous” (2´2)-code matrices having “single,”
“double” and “triple” errors; (4) the potential correcting ability of the
method for the simplest case p=1 is between 26.67% and 93.33% what exceeds the potential correcting
ability of all well-known algebraic error-correcting codes in 1 000 000 and
more times. This means that new coding theory based on matrix approach is of
great practical importance for modern computer science.
3.8.4. The “golden” cryptography
existing cryptographic methods and algorithms [43] – [46] were created for the
“ideal conditions” when we assume that coder, communication channel, and
decoder operate “ideally,” that is, the coder carries out the “ideal”
transformation of plaintext into ciphertext, the communication channel
transmits “ideally” ciphertext from the sender to the receiver and the decoder
carries out the “ideal” transformation of ciphertext into plaintext. It is
clear that the smallest breach of the “ideal” transformation or transmission is
a catastrophe for the cryptosystem. All existing cryptosystems based on both
symmetric and public-key cryptography have
essential shortcoming because they do not have in their principles and
algorithms the inner “checking relations” that allows checking the
informational processes in the cryptosystems.
The “golden” cryptography developed in [13] is based on the use of the matrix multiplication by the special “golden” Gm-matrices (42). This method of cryptography possesses unique mathematical properties (43) that connect the determinants of the initial matrix (plaintext) and the code matrix (ciphertext). Thanks to these properties we can check all informational processes in cryptosystem, including encryption, decryption and transmission of the ciphertext via the channel. Such approach can result in the designing of simple for technical realization and reliable cryptosystems. Thus, the “golden” cryptography opens a new stage of the cryptography development – designing super-reliable cryptosystems.
3.9. The fundamental discoveries of modern science based on the golden
3.9.1. Shechtman’s quasi-crystals. It
is necessary to note that right up to the last quarter of the 20th century the use of the golden mean in
theoretical science, in particular, in theoretical physics, was very rare. In order to be convinced
in this, it is enough to browse 10 volumes of Theoretical Physics by Landau and Lifshitz. We cannot
find there any mention about the golden mean and Platonic
solids. The situation in theoretical science was changed since the discovery of
Quasi-crystals made by the
Dan Shechtman
type of quasi-crystal was based on the regular icosahedron described in
3.9.2. Fullerenes (Nobel Prize of 1996). A discovery of the fullerenes is one more outstanding
scientific discovery of modern science. This discovery was made in 1985 by Robert
F. Curl, Harold W. Kroto and Richard E. Smalley.
Robert F. Curl Harold
The title
of "fullerenes" refers to the carbon molecules of the type С60, С70, С76,
С84, in which all atoms are on a spherical or spheroid
surface. In these molecules the atoms of carbon are located in vertexes of regular hexagons or pentagons
that cover a surface of sphere or spheroid. The
molecule C60 plays a special role among fullerenes. This
molecule is based on the Archimedes truncated icosahedron. The molecule C60 is characterized by the
greatest symmetry and as consequence by the greatest stability. In 1996 Robert
F. Curl, Harold W. Kroto and Richard E. Smalley win Nobel Prize in chemistry for this
3.9.3. El-Nashie’s E-infinity theory. Prominent theoretical
physicist and engineering scientist Mohammed S. El Nashie is a world leader in
the field of the golden mean applications to theoretical physics, in
particular, quantum physics [49] – [60]. El Nashie’s discovery of the golden
mean in the famous physical two-slit experiment—which underlies quantum
physics—became a source of many important discoveries in this area, in
particular, the E-infinity theory. It is also necessary to note the
contribution of Slavic researchers to this important area. The book [61]
written by the Byelorussian physicist Vasyl Pertrunenko is devoted to the
applications of the golden mean in quantum physics and astronomy.
Mohammed El
3.9.4. Bodnar’s
geometry. As is
well known, according to phylllotaxis law the numbers of the left-hand and
right-hand spirals on the surface of phyllotaxis objects are always the
adjacent Fibonacci numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... . Their ratios
1/1, 2/1, 3/2, 5/3, 8/5, 13/8, 21/13, ... are called a symmetry order of
phyllotaxis objects. The
phyllotaxis phenomenon is exciting the best minds of humanity during
many centuries since Johannes Kepler. The “puzzle of phyllotaxis” consists
of the fact that a majority of bio-forms changes their phyllotaxis orders
during their growth. It is known, for example, that sunflower disks that are
located on the different levels of the same stalk have different phyllotaxis
orders; moreover, the more the
age of the disk, the more its phyllotaxis order. This means
that during the growth of the
phyllotaxis object, a
natural modification (an increase) of symmetry happens and this modification of
symmetry obeys
the law:
. (47)
The law
(47) is called dynamic symmetry. Recently the Ukrainian researcher Oleg
Bodnar had developed
very interesting geometric theory of phyllotaxis [8].
Oleg Bodnar
He proved
that phyllotaxis geometry is a special kind of non-Euclidean geometry based on
the “golden” hyperbolic functions similar to the hyperbolic Fibonacci and Lucas
functions (15) and (16). Such approach allows to explain geometrically how the
“Fibonacci spirals” appear on the surface of phyllotaxis objects (pine cone,
ananas, cactus and so on) in process of their growth and the dynamic symmetry
(47) appears. Bodnar’s geometry is of fundamental importance because it
concerns fundamentals of theoretical natural sciences, in particular, this
discovery gives a strict geometrical explanation of the phyllotaxis law and the
dynamic symmetry based on the Fibonacci numbers.
3.9.5. Petoukhov’s “golden” genomatrices. The idea of the genetic code is amazingly simple. For
the record of the genetic information in ribonucleic acids (RNA) of any living organism,
it is used the "alphabet" that consists of four "letters"
or the nitrogenous bases: Adenine (A), Cytosine
(C), Guanine (G), Uracil (U) (in DNA instead of the Uracil
it is used the related to it Thymine
(T)). Petoukhov’s article [62] is devoted to the description of the
important scientific discovery—the Golden
Genomatrices, which reaffirms the deep
mathematical connection between the golden mean and the genetic code.
there are enough confirmations that the “golden mean” and its generalizations –
the golden p- and m-proportions - underlie different
fields of theoretical natural sciences (crystallography – Shechtman’s quasi-crystals, chemistry – fullerenes, quantum physics – El-Nashie’s
E-infinity, botany – Bodnar’s
geometry, genetics - Petoukhov’s “golden” genomatrices).
have a full right to finish this article by the words of the famous Russian
physicist Professor Vladimirov (Moscow University) [63]: “It is possible to assert that in the theory of electroweak
interactions there are relations that coincide with the ‘Golden Section’ that
play an important role in the various areas of science and art.”