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: References. : Combinatorial Games and Beautiful : Beautiful graphs produced by

A new type of the varinat of Nim.

Example 5.1.   Suppose that you have the chocolate in Graph 5.1. This variant of the chocolate problem is very different from other chocolate problems. This problem is interesting for people who use only their brains to solve, but this can be a challenging problem for those who are going to solve this with computers when they are going to study a bigger chocolate with the same kind of structures. We used Mathematica to solve this problem, and it was quite easy to do that, because we could calculate Grundy Number with Mathematica very easily.

Graph 5.1.   \includegraphics[height=4cm,clip]{yamauchichoco1.eps}

By using computer we can find all the P-positions. (For this scale of problem you can find all the P-position only with pen and paper.) The following table contains all the P-positions. Note that we omitted the postions that can be equal to the P-positions in the table under rotations.

Graph 5.2.   \includegraphics[height=8cm,clip]{yauchichocotable.eps}

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: References. : Combinatorial Games and Beautiful : Beautiful graphs produced by