The problem of Graph 1.2 is different from the problem of Graph 2.1. In Graph 2.1 you can cut the chocolate in 6 ways, so it is appropriate to represent it with 6 non-negative integers . We represent the position in Graph 2.1 with {2,1,2,1,2,1}.
Note that these 6 coordinates are not independent, i.e., in some cases
you cannot subtract a natural number from one of 6 coordinates without
affecting other coordinates.
It is clear that we have 6 inequalities between these 6 coordinates.
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We can study chocolates of any size if we use arbitrary non-negative integers
that satisfy these 6 inequalities.
Clear[ss, al, allcases]; ss = 1; al = Flatten[Table[{a,b,c,d,e,f},{a,0,ss + 2},{b,0,ss},{c,0, ss + 2},{d,0,ss},{e,0,ss + 2},{f,0,ss}],5]; allcases = Select[al,#[[1]]+#[[3]]+1>= #[[2]]&&#[[2]]+#[[4]]>=#[[ 3]] && #[[3]]+#[[5]]+1>=#[[4]]&&#[[4]]+#[[6]]>=#[[ 5]]&&#[[5]]+#[[1]]+1>=#[[6]]&&#[[6]]+#[[2]]>=#[[ 1]]&];(*allcases are the set of all possible shapes of the chocolate. Note that the above inequations are the necessary and sufficient condtions for {a,b,c,d,e,f} to be a possible shape of the cholocate.*) num=Length[allcases]; (*num is the number of all the cases*) x1=allcases[[num]]; (*x1 is the case with which we start the fame*) pos[x_List,y_List]:= Block[{s,t,u,v},u=x;v=y;t=Apply[Plus,v]; s=Position[v,t][[1,1]]; u[[s]]=u[[s]]-t;{Min[u[[6]]+u[[2]],u[[1]]], Min[u[[1]]+u[[3]]+1,u[[2]]], Min[u[[2]]+u[[4]],u[[3]]], Min[u[[3]]+u[[5]]+1,u[[4]]], Min[u[[4]]+u[[6]],u[[5]]], Min[u[[5]]+u[[1]]+1,u[[6]]]}]; (*pos[x,y]returns the case that you will get after removing y from x. For example let x={1,2,1,2,1,2} and y={1,0,0,0,0,0}, then pos[x,y] denotes the case you get after removing one from the 1st coodinate of x; that is {1,1,2,1,2,1}*) Clear[move,z,p,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6]; move[z_]:=Block[{p},p=z; Union[Table[pos[p,{t1,0,0,0,0,0}],{t1,1,p[[1]]}], Table[pos[p,{0,t2,0,0,0,0}],{t2,1,p[[2]]}], Table[pos[p,{0,0,t3,0,0,0}],{t3,1,p[[3]]}], Table[pos[p,{0,0,0,t4,0,0}],{t4,1,p[[4]]}], Table[pos[p,{0,0,0,0,t5,0}],{t5,1,p[[5]]}], Table[pos[p,{0,0,0,0,0,t6}],{t6,1,p[[6]]}] ] ] (*move[x] returns all the cases you can get from x when you remove a part of x*) Mex[L_]:=Min[Complement[Range[0,Length[L]],L]]; Gr[z_]:=Gr[z]=Mex[Map[Gr,move[z]]];
By the Mathematica program in Example 2.2 we can find all the P-positions of the chocolate problem of Example 2.1 . (For this scale of problem you can find all the P-position only with pen and paper.) Graph 2.2 contains all the P-positions. All the other positions are N-position. As you can see easily the original position in Graph 2.1 is an N-position, because you cannot find the original position in Graph 2.2. Therefore you are sure to win if you start the game as the first player.
If the opponent chose the first position of Graph 2.3, then you can choose the 7th of Graph 2.2. Then your opponent choose one of the 4 positions in Graph 2.4.
If the opponent choose the 1th or the 3rd position, you can take away the green part and win the game.
If the opponent choose the 2nd or 4th position of Graph 2.4, you can move to the 3rd of Graph 2.2. After that the opponent will take the right or left green part, then you can take the remainning green part and win.
The stratedy is clear. If you start with the original position in Graph 2.1, then you have only to move to a P-position. By the next move your opponent will move to an N-position. From this position you have only to move to a P-position. By continuing this process you are sure to win.