3. Bifurcation and aestheticsThe whole history of art exhibits inclination towards
following some regular patterns. At the beginning of an artistic epoch,
the art is calm, simple, clean and easy to recognize as an original movement.
In its full development, some changes started, trying to diverge from the
initial rules. It causes introduction of unnecessary extraneous elements
and after while, the art movement becomes too complex, with too many divergent
branches that can hardly be called unique. This process makes
a kind of "dynamics" that can be found in larger or smaller scales of time.
For ex., the development of a single artist sometimes resembles on
development of the mankind art through centuries.
The author's suggestion is to distinguish a special "order" in these dynamical processes that are characterized by gradually progressing in making forms more complex. Here, we have to restrict ourselves to visual arts alone. Otherwise, the story will be too extensive, but other art branches exhibit similar phenomenology. Constancy Science is full of different but important constants. So, we have c = 2.99792458×108 m/sec as light speed, e = 9.10938797×10-31 kg as the mass of electron or g = 9.80665 m/sec2 as the gravitation constant. Quantum physicists found that six constants determine the creation of the whole Universe. These are W= 0.03 (a ratio of the observed density of matter in universe to critical of matter required to stop the expansion of universe), l = 0.07 (a new force discovered in 1998),Q = 10-5(measure of how much force is required to brake apart structures in our universe),N=1036(a comparison of strength of gravity to strength of electric force in atoms),e= 0.007 (the efficiency of conversion of Hydrogen to Helium and to heavier elements their after), D= 3 (dimensions of space). But, the history of visual art found constants that
were important for visual esthetics. Such constants are proportions or
"sections". Some of them are ![]() Figure 13. Constancy as expression of stability. Left: Doric colonnade; middle: Kroisos, 525 BC, Athens; right: Chinese relief in granite (18. century). Figure 14. Constancy (circle) as expression of harmony. Left: William Turner, Buttermere Lake, 1798, oil, Tate Gallery, London; right: Kazimir Malevich, Black Circle, 1913. Linearity The next, more complex term of art is linearity. Increasing or decreasing. Diagonal versus horizontal. It is almost a miracle how the diagonal contrasts horizontal in a fresco of Giotto (Figure 15, left). Here, the Flaming Chariot is directed diagonally upward to the skies, which stands as a sharp contrast to the firm construction of a temple that stays down. The same diagonal is used by Michelangelo in his famous Sistine fresco The Creation of Man. Both diagonals causes vivid impression of motion. The next usage of linearity is perspective, the great discovery of Renascence. It brings illusion of space that can be used in different purposes, as works of Van Eyck and De Chirico in Figure 16 shows. The first one uses perspective to describe interior of a church. The last, constructs its subjective space that does not obey the usual law of perspective. In fact, he uses false perspective to stress that his geometry is not trivial, but it comes from internal, psychological space. Also, linearity can be used as visual form (linear drawings etc.), and a canvas of Louis (Fig. 16, right) is a good example. ![]() Figure 15. Left: Giotto di Bondone, Legend of St. Francis 8. Vision of the Flaming Chariot,1297-1299, fresco; right: Michelangelo, The Creation of Man (Image 1), 1511-1512, fresco, Sistine Chapel. Figure 16. Left: Linearity as instrument of illusion: Van Eyck, Madonna (1432-1433, central panel of a triptych, oil on panel); middle: Linearity as instrument of surreal expression: Giorgio De Chirico, Piazza d'Italia con Statua Equestre, (1918, oil on panel); right: linearity in composition: Morris Louis, While, (1960, acrylic on canvas). In all above examples, linearity reveals in repeating of similar objects that are transformed or by perspective or by color or by location. This repetition increases esthetic value of an object. This subject is also argued in [Bori], where Borisavljevic calls it law of similarity. Periodicity If the wind increases, the calm sea becomes wavy. Periodic patterns are visible in many natural objects. Living organisms, shells, formation of leafs and organs in fitotaxy. These forms were transferred to art. In painting of Hieronimus Bosh, The Adoration of the Magi, there is a detail showing a stone bridge and a row of trees behind it (Fig. 18, left). The arch of a bridge is repeated in the shapes of trees' crowns as an echo, but not in a linear manner, like in Borisavljevic's law of similarity.
Figure 17. Periodicity in Nature: a. Dynamics in fluids; b. Shell forms; c., d. Plant structures. Rather, one can use word rhythm. Such a rhythmic compositions are characteristic for many modern painters, sculptors or architects. Robert Delauneay is known by his circular periodic rhythms (Fig. 18, middle). Giorgio De Chirico uses periodical repetition of levels in his tower (Fig. 18, right) in order to convey his metaphysical idea of infinity. Rhythmic compositions are frequently used by post-impressionistic movements, like cubism, futurism or dada. The Plasticity and Rhythm of Things by M. Sironi is a composition on the intersection of cubism and futurism (Fig. 19, left). A very known futuristic artwork by M. Duchamp, where movements of a female figure was analytically developed over the space (Fig. 19, middle). Here, periodicity is a bit more complex than in Sironi's still life. Periodic rhythms need articulation, otherwise, it become too complex and chaotic. This articulation can be inspired by different sensations. Sironi finds such rhythms in static things, Duchamp in moving objects, but some artists can be inspired by more abstract categories. Figure 19, right shows a walka (walka = drawing, picture) done by a member of Australian Aboriginal tribe that express sensation of fire. ![]() Figure 18. Periodicity in art: Left: H. Bosch, The Adoration of the Magi (detail, 1500, oil on panel, Prado, Madrid); middle: R. Delauney, Homage to Bleriot, (1914, oil, Kunstmuseum, Basel); right. De Chirico, The Big Tower (1918,oil on panel, privatecollection). Figure 19. Left. Mario Sironi, Plasticity and Rhythm of Things, 1914, tempera and pencil; middle. Marcel Duchmp, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, 1912, oil on canvas; right. Waru (fire), walka drawing, Ernabella community, Australia. Complexity The next stage in visual appearances is over the edge of periodicity. Complex forms represent complex dynamics. Water surface exhibits such dynamics when the wind become strong enough to overcome simple periodical movements of the waves. The motion of water starts being irregular (Fig. 20-a). Wind leaves its signature on desert sands (Fig. 20-b). Tectonic forces combined with wind activity arrange beauty of icebergs (Fig. 20-c). Complex forms can be more or less irregular. Thermonuclear processes in the Sun are far from having any regularity, but still the form of Sun is more or less spherical (Fig. 20-d). So, the matter of the Sun is not in total chaos. Some call this state deterministic chaos. But, in patterns of plant Broccoli Romanesco (Fig. 20-e) order is much more visible, although it is not periodic at all. This geometry is known as self - affine. What is art correlative? The complex forms too. Starting with primitive Indonesian art, the Mask (Figure 21, left) is everything but geometric regular piece. It fails to represent periodic structures, but it is not amorphous too. It possesses a strange degree of irregularity, probably caused by the form of naturally cut pebble stone. But, of the other side, this irregularity favors more expressive face of the mask, probably some evil spirit. This kind of complex irregularity is inherent to primitive art (Fig. 21, middle) and it is discovered again in 20-th century by modern artists, like Klee (Fig. 21, right). ![]() Figure 20. Left. Mario Sironi, Plasticity and Rhythm of Things, 1914, tempera and pencil; middle. Marcel Duchmp, Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2, 1912, oil on canvas; right. Waru (fire), walka drawing, Ernabella community. Figure 21. Left. Dayak primitive, Mask, Indonesian archipelago; middle. Arrival of the Sun,Eskimo art; right. Paul Klee, BeforetheSnow, 1929, watercolor, collectionAllenbach,Bern. Complexity of forms was the topic of study of cubists (Figure 22, left) but, in composition sense, complexity was used for mass genre scenes, characteristic for Bosch and Bruegel. Figure 22. Left. Picasso, Seated Bather, 1930, oil on canvas, Museum of Modern Art, New York; right. Bruegel: Netherlandish Proverbs, 1559, oil on canvas. Chaos Further increasing of wind over an irregularly wavy water surface will cause chaotic motion. Water droplets will be put in accelerating and chaotic motion (Leonardo' s Flood is an example). Forms of such dynamics are hardly to predict, nevertheless if one speaks about sea in storm, lightning dendrites or nebula formation in far interstellar space (Figure 23). ![]() Figure 23. a. Chaotic fluid motion; b. Lightning has unpredictable form; c. A Space nebula. Now,
we are back to the "blotting-fratting" painting method from previous
section. What is bigger challenge for an artist than to explore and reproduce
extremely complex patterns of grass, dry leaves, moss, rocks... Fantastic
stones in Caspar's Chalk Cliffs on Rügen (Fig.
24. leftmost), a snowstorm in Hokusai kakemono picture (Fig.
24. middy-left), rubber forms in early Kandinsky (Fig.
24. middy-right) or de Kooning's expressionistic figures (Fig.
24. rightmost) have chaos in common. These different artworks are attacks
to the smooth, boring world of ordinary Euclidean objects.
It is revolution of complexity in its higher level. If isolated, parts
of these figures show no recognizable or perceptible objects. Once
chaos appears on art panels, it newer stops. Abstract expressionism of
Mark Tobey (Fig. 25. left and middle) and Jackson
Pollock (Fig. 25. right) now belongs to the classic
Figure 24. To the right: Kaspar David, Chalk Cliffs on Rügen
1818-1819, oil on canvas; Katsushika Hokusai, Eagle in a Snowstorm,
1848, kakemono scroll, ink and somber color on paper, Pacific Asia Museum
Collection; Vasilii Kandinsky, Green figure, 1936,
oil on canvas, Galerie Maeght, Paris; Willem de Kooning, Woman, Sag
Harbor,1964, oil on wood, Hirshorn Museum,
Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
Figure 25. Left: Mark Tobey, American Visitors,
1954, mixed technique; middle: Mark Tobey, Head, 1957; right:
Jackson Pollock, Eyes in the Heat,
1946, oil on canvas, collection Guggenheim. Let
us go back to the title of this section. Bifurcation that is mentioned
there is connected with the universal phenomena that described a route
that lead from absolute calm (constancy), over linearity, periodicity and
complexity to chaos. The usual bifurcation diagram is connected with the
- x) and numerical iterative procedure for finding
roots of logistic equation
x =
where l is not less
than 0. It is easy to see that solution depends on parameter l.
0 < l < 1
and l =
1, this equation has zero as double root, for l
> 1 it has two simple roots, Table 1. Classification of the dynamic behavior of fixed point
b of the logistic equation.
Figure 26. Web diagrams for l
1.742 (left) and l= 2.728 (right). But, the most interesting part is when lranges
from 3 to 4. For l = l1
= 3 one has first bifurcation. It means that the sequence {xk}k>m
is big enough) fail to converge any more and its oscillations around the
fixed point become stationary. The lower limit of {xk}
is called low quasi-solution, the other is high quasi-solution.
Thus, the value l1
= 3 is the value of first bifurcation. The web-diagram (Figure
27, left) shows this oscillatory regime with period 2. If l
reaches l2 = 3.449489...
the sequence {xk}k>m continues
to oscillate but now has two "frequencies" or period 4. This phenomena
is caused by new bifurcation of each "quasi-solution". After l3
= 3.544090... oscillating period becomes 8, after l4
= 3.564407... it is 16 (Figure 27, right) etc. The
sequence l1, l2,l3, l4,
... has the limit lf=
3.5699456... so called Feigenbaum point. So, the dynamics
that occur when l runs
the sub-range (3, lf
) we can call periodic dynamics.
Figure 27. Left: Web diagram for l
3.4 (period 2); right: Web diagram for l=
3.569 (period 16). If l increases beyond
the Feigenbaum point, the sequence {xk} exhibits complex
behavior. In fact, we enter a zone in which it has chaotic behavior but
for some values of l some
repeated "windows" of different periodicity. The numbers of periodicity
of these "windows" are another strange fact. Let O be the
set of all odd positive integers, and kO is the set
of all products of k with members of O.
Then, the set of numbers of periods is P = {2j
; j
2jO. It happens that P is ordered
i.e. it makes a chain, called Charkovsky sequence [Peit2].
The web diagram that corresponds to chaotic behavior is shown in Figure
28 (left).
Almost literal similarity between web-diagram
and the picture by Frank Stella (Fig. 28, right) is
really astonishing.
Figure 28. Left. The web-diagram for logistic mapping l=
3.820; right. Frank Stella, Les indies galantes V, 1973, offset
lithograph. The
integral information about bifurcation route to chaos is usually comprises
in what Chaos experts call bifurcation diagram. It is shown in Figure
29, in red color. This diagram represents graphical behavior of accumulation
points of the sequence {xk} (ordinate) via the parameter l (abscissa).
Now, we can somehow place particular artworks of all epochs over bifurcation
diagram regarding to their degree of complexity. The single branch of the
diagram (l <
3) offers locations for constancy and linearity in art, in the sense as
it is explained above. After bifurcation we have increasing degree of periodicity,
until the Feigenbaum point. After that comes part of diagram that corresponds
to art pieces of higher complexity that can increase up to the chaotic
works. Such analysis, let us call it bifurcation analysis, can help in
classification or even characterization of different products of visual
art. We note that it is possible to make this classification according
to fractal dimension of each painting, graphics or other piece of visual
art that can be determined experimentally [Barn].
Figure 29. Bifurcation diagram and approximate locations of some
works of visual art on it. Such analyses may reveal that some classical painters
did masterpieces that contain parts with different degree of chaoticity
(fractal dimension). For ex., in some oil from Titian, one may find constant
or linear passages, resembling to Mondrian, periodic textures like in neo-impressionistic
Signac or chaotic configurations of Mata Echaurren (Fig.
Figure 30. Bifurcation analysis of a Titian painting. Extracting
constant-linear, periodic and chaotic components. |