The Susurrus of the Sea
Soft waves, suggestive of both sky and water, travel around the globe
along six different criss-crossing equators. The susurrus (murmur) of the
sea is suggested as a sense of harmony in this sphere. Here, it is
hanging in my backyard in front of some nice Fall foliage. It is spherical,
hollow, very light and open
Technically difficult, the 60 transparent blue acrylic plastic components
had to be made very precisely to fit together. It was almost a year between
when I started this and when I finally finished because I gave up for a long
while. Heat-formed, as in I'd like to make one thing
perfectly clear, the components were formed and assembled on special
jigs which imparted the proper dimensions and angles.
Mathematically, the blue spirals are helixes that follow the edges of an
icosidodecahedron. This is a polyhedron that was known to the ancient
Greeks, but the oldest known drawing of it is by Leonardo da Vinci. Formally
constructed of triangles and pentagons (which show up here as the openings)
it can also be seen as an arrangement of six equatorial regular decagons.
Each equator makes ten twists in a complete path, crossing the other five
equators at two opposite points. If one “walks along” a
dark blue edge, making right-angle turns where edges meet, one traces a large
five-pointed star before returning to one’s starting point.
copyright 1999, George W. Hart