Fat and Skinny
These guys are called Fat and Skinny. They are made of
walnut, maple, and brass, 23 inches tall on the bases. Both are constructed
from the same components: 12 regular pentagons, 30 squares, 20 equilateral
triangles, and 6 golden rhombi, but they are arranged differently. In both
cases, 6 pentagons, 12 squares, and 12 triangles produce a spray of "cilia"
(arranged around the "equator" relative to the vertical 3-fold axis of symmetry).
In each case, the dark components are the pentagons and triangles, and they
fit together as an icosidodecahedron. The light components (squares
and rhombi) are arranged along three "equators" of the icosidodecahedron in
both cases. However, there are two different ways to choose three of
the six equators, and that is how they differ.
I wanted to achieve two very different "personalities" with the same
geometric components and that effect came out well. I began thinking
of themas two well-known movie critics and was surprised when my niece perspicaciously
told me they might better be called "Plain and Peanut."
copyright 1999, George W. Hart