The next three ilustrations give the relation of rhombic dodecahedron to cube, octahedron and tetrahedron.
The rhombic dodecahedra fill the space.
Join four dodecahedra along axes of threefold symmetry to obtain the following combination. To get similar figure use 12 oblate rhombohedra.
To make a double dodecahedron use 6 dodecahedra and 8 oblate rhombohedra.
Take 6 halves of rhombic dodecahedra and 8 trianguar pyramids (1/4 of tetrahedra) to get cuboctahedron.
Put 12 dodecahedra on the dodecahedron. Put 6 halves of dodecahedron on poles of fourfold axes, level pyramids around threefold axes to get a truncated octahedron.
To make models use the following nets
I. Hafner, T. Zitko, Introduction to golden rhombic polyhedra