(5) Points of light

When looking at an electric light with a tungsten filament, isn't there the experience of a scene that the light has a long tail and blinks around the electric light? Or the scene that many lights on the picture tube of a TV are getting bigger and becoming round and covering over each other? This is the phenomenon of lights by the lens of a camera and the iris, that appears when the focus of a camera to the light is released. The effect is found directly by looking in the finder of a camera - it is good to try various shapes of the iris by cutting black papers and putting them on the lens. The shape of the light changes in relation to the shape of the iris or a screen filter (Fig. 40, 42).





Figure 39: Composition consisting of a regulated location of points
                       of light (See color illustration 5).

Figure 40: A photograph with a cross-filter.
Figure 41: A non-regular composition by points of light
                       (See the color illustration 4). 

Figure 42: City lights at night out of focus.