1--Materials for two-dimensional compositions
Since in most of cases expressions are created by spreading pigment on pasteboard, we discuss
the materials for the structure in two-dimensional space in two groups: coloring materials and non-coloring materials (papers).
(A1) Color materials
Colors.....poster colors, watercolors, oil colors, printing inks, etc.
Dye.....magic ink, markers, color ink, etc.
Paint.....lacquer, varnish, enamel, cashew, house paint, etc.
Affix materials.....color tones, color papers, etc.
(A2) Papers
Pasteboards.....Kent paper, drawing paper, cardboard, board paper, styrene paper,
corrugated paper, etc.
For printing.....art paper, coating paper, paper of fine quality, paper of good quality,
imitation Japanese vellum, ivory, etc.
For writing.....board paper, letter paper, Japanese paper, Chinese drawing paper, etc.
For affixing.....screen tone, cellophane, swan paper, adhesive tape, gum tape, etc.
Others.....special paper (model core, etc.)
(A3) Others
Real materials.....plywood, plastic board, film, metal board, glass board, mirror, cloth,
aluminum foil, etc.