There are many cases where works, which express the excellent result in modern arts and designs, have a new method of formative arts at the same time as a new beauty and a new sense. For example, the methods of Escher, Vasarely, Bill, and Magritte contain new methods of arts that old works did not. We should not just learn and import many results of people from the past, but take into consideration the methods of modern science and make the best of them in education. One of the methods that has enabled the improvement of modern science is the attitude to put things together after the thorough deoxidization and analysis of every single element. For example, in physics it is a big effort by continuous researches, without being satisfied with the atom and the molecule, that was made for the solution of the elementary particle, their ultimate unit. The importance of this analytical approach is common in the improvements in other sciences as well, such as modern medical science and biology's consideration of the study of the cell as the ultimate unit in creatures, the atom and the molecule. This way of common thinking in modern science is very useful in the education of KOHSEI. That is, an analysis, an extraction of attributes and elements, and the examination of the particularities from different angles. Then through "experimentation", it is fundamentally important to pursue the possibilities of art and design, and KOHSEI tries to improve the education of new senses and the method of their ideas. Of course, experiments in arts and designs mean the practice of exercises and the creation of works.

Knowledge and techniques are important for arts and designs. However, if they are unchangeable, they are not so useful. They have a high value of use with flexibility and the organic relation with others. Also knowledge and techniques in arts and designs are, when they are not gained through one's own experiences, usually not gained organically. This being so, the ability of art and design has a stronger relation with practice. After all, practice brings rich experiences, organizes knowledge and techniques, and softens thoughts. These flexible thoughts, practical techniques, and rich experiences construct a strong creative ability as well as a composing ability of shapes, colors, and ideas.


Figure 8: "30 Vertical Systematic Color Processions with Red Diagonals", R.P. Lohse.