2-- Reexamination of structural thinking

Structures are frequently seen during the important parts of art and design such as KOHSEI (Basic Art & Design). Indeed, the consideration of "structure" is important and fundamental for "art and design". Therefore, though the creation of structure will be considered, we must pay attention to other things which have a regular structure (things which are acceptable even if they do not substantially exist, but conceptually exist), and try to visualize them differently. From such groupings and experiments, we may learn how to find the beginnings of the development of a new method of art and design which we don't usually notice.

(1) Non-decimal system thinking

We are used to living in the world of the decimal system. However, the binary scale is used in computers, and watches and others still continue to use the 6 decimal system. As a non-decimal system, the trinary scale, the tetranary scale, the pentanary, and others will be possible. Can they be used for art and design? The next two experiments are patterns which were created using the tetranary scale and the trinary scale, respectively.

(i) Creation of patterns using the tetranary scale 

When a number reaches 4, one digit is raised representing 10. Thus, the structure of the numbers is 1, 2, 3,10, 11,12, 13, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 100. The three digit parts, that is, from 100 to 333, are shown in Figure 579.

579      580-b
580-a   580-c


Figure 579: The list of a three-digit part of the tetranary scale.
580-a: The composition for the work of the right page.
Figure 580-b, c: Visual symbolization of the number.