Other examples introduced in the following two pages represent various ideas based on these concepts. Sticks and balls are combined in Figure 568, and they form more advanced hidden shapes.

In addition to the illusion of hide-and-seek of two diagrams, the natural transition of a diagram into another diagram which is hard to be expected is added, as shown in Figure 569. This has increased in complexity. Let's look at the second, third, and fourth columns from the left. The columns are changed into a wall without notice when your eyes gradually follow from one edge towards the other. Therefore, for example, we are at a loss to really see the strange spatial relationships of the ball in the upper central part.

568   570
569   571


Figure 568: Creating of an illusion space by balls of seek and hide.
569: Strange columns and eight balls.
Figure 570: Hide-and-seek of triangles and balls.
Figure 571: Hide-and-seek of pencils and balls.