(iii) Shadow picture

A shadow picture of a female shape generated from the Origami work of a bird shown in Figure 558. Mr. Akira Yoshizawa is famous as an Origami artist, and also has been investigating research on shadow pictures. Although there is a difference between Origami and Shadow painting, they are similar in that both are art and design which promote "simplification" of a object with a concrete shape by omitting details. 

The art shown in Figure 561 is related to the change of "meaning", and special meanings are given to the shadow. This art is gruesome since the shadow has an opposing meaning to the picture which makes the substance. Although it is difficult to project lights to it, even a more realistic art could be created if it is described similarly to a photograph. However, the interest in this print painting will be proportionally lost since the rising sword is expressed by a black shadow.



Figure 558: A shape of a female made using a bid Origami (shadow painting), by Akira Yoshizawa.
Figure 559: "Strange Shadow", by Shigeo Fukuda.
560: Shadow picture by hands.
Figure 561: A shadow with a new meaning "Eimei Nijuu Hachinin Shuu", by Honen.