2 -- Expression using lines

Original shapes are well understood when the two shapes are overlapped because the lines are thin. The transparent effect, like seeing an object through lace, is more significant when using thinner lines. When thinner lines and thicker line are used together, the transparency is expressed by generating a feeling of distance between the thin lines and thick lines (Fig. 439). 

· Figures 440 and 441 are different from the above, and the method of mutual insertion in each spacing is used. The screens seem to increase in thickness because the concentration changes while the shapes maintain their thickness. A larger cube is recognized surrounding the central cube as shown in Figure 441. It is interesting that this cube is suggested using only the four lines.

The other two examples express a feeling of transparency using methods which are different from each of the above (Figs. 442, 443).



Figure 439: Expression of transparency by intersecting lines.